Internet as a Critical Resource for Pacific Island States

From the Internet Society (ISOC) Pacific Diplomacy Students in Geneva NEW

The press release summary: The Internet as a critical resource for Pacific Island states NEW

Event announcement

DiploFoundation is pleased to invite you to a roundtable mapping the challenges Internet connectivity issues represent in remote countries and the mechanism of Geneva’s relevant actors in promoting the interests of small, remote developing countries. The event will take place at the WMO building in Geneva from 17:30 – 19:00.

The roundtable is organised in the framework of the Capacity Development Programme in Multilateral Diplomacy for Pacific Island States (CD Pacific), run by DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform, an initiative of the Swiss authorities operated by DiploFoundation. It is designed to complement the 2014 UN International Year of Small Island Developing States.

The event will benefit from the insights of ten diplomats and officials from Pacific island states who will be visiting Geneva for the policy immersion phase of CD Pacific.


17.30–18.00      Light refreshments

18.00 – 19.00    Welcome by Dr Jovan Kurbalija, Director DiploFoundation and Ms Andrea Aeby, Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN

Contributions by Ms Maureen Hilyard, PICISOC, Ms Anju Mangal, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Ms Christina Wini, Permanent Mission of the Solomon Islands to the UN and Mr Tomas Lamanauskas, ITU


Registration are now closed.

