IGF Italia 2020
Session reports
Note: All listed times are in the UTC time zone.
Event report
Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Italia 2020 was held online 7-9 October. The Geneva Internet Platform provided reports from selected sessions.
Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Italia 2020 was held online 7-9 October.
IGF Italia adopted the UN principles of national and regional initiatives (NRIs) and invited all stakeholders to contribute to the discussion and in preparing the sessions. As with past editions, the forum will aim to facilitate the exchange of ideas, information, and good practices; as well as to encourage the creation of a permanent national Internet governance ecosystem based on the multistakeholder approach.
Topics this year include issues around digital transformation, sustainable economic growth, artificial intelligence (AI), ethics, disinformation, and digital identity, among others.
For more information about the event, visit the dedicated webpage (in Italian).
For our reports from selected sessions from Day 1, continue scrolling.