ICANN: Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone Version 2 (RZ-LGR-2)

7 Jun 2017 - 25 Jul 2017


The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is seeking public comment on the second version of the Root Zone Label Generation Rules (RZ-LGR-2)

The RZ-LGR-2  is designed to be the second installment of a RZ-LGR that meets the requirement for a conservative set of label generation rules for stable and secure operation of the Internet’s Root Zone. The second version of RZ-LGR is developed with the generation panels (GPs) starting their analysis from the current version of the Maximal Starting Repertoire (MSR-2). RZ-LGR-2 contains rules for six scripts, including Arabic, Ethiopic, Georgian, Lao, Khmer and Thai, based on the proposals submitted by the respective GPs. 

RZ-LGR is developed following the Procedure to Develop and Maintain the Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone in Respect of IDNA Labels. RZ-LGR provides a specification to mechanically determine valid IDN Top-Level Domains (TLDs). The RZ-LGR also determines the corresponding set of blocked and allocable variant labels. Additional mechanisms need to be developed to determine which, if any, of the allocable variant labels generated by the RZ-LGR will be allocated to the applicants.

The current version of the RZ-LGR will be followed by future versions that will support additional scripts and writing systems, as proposals from more GPs become available.

For more information, and to contribute to this consultation, visit the dedicated webpage.
