How Communications will Change Vehicles and Transport

6 Jul 2017 - 7 Jul 2017


The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Info-communications Media Development Authority of Singapore will organise a workshop on ‘How communications will change vehicles and transport’, on 6–7 July 2017, in Singapore. 

The event will be structured in two parts. An 6 July, a workshop will examine advances in the area of vehicle communications, from the perspective of technology, business, and regulation. There will be sessions focused on issues such as connectivity options for connected vehicles and automated driving, cybersecurity for automotive communications, and the role to be played by artificial intelligence and machine learning in future transport systems. On 7 July, there will be a meeting of the Collaboration on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Communication Standards, which will review the state of ITS communication standards and discuss the road ahead. 

Participants will include government representatives, policymakers and regulators, technical staff and decision makers at vehicle manufacturers, suppliers, network operator, service providers, analysts and market researchers, technical experts involved in standardisation, and members of the interested public. 

For more details, visit the event webpage.

