Global roundtable on ICT security capacity-building

10 May 2024, 13:45h - 22:00h

New York

The Chair of the Open-ended Working Group on security of and in the use of ICTs 2021-2025 (OEWG) is convening a dedicated Global Roundtable on ICT security capacity-building, as the OEWG agreed in its second Annual Progress Report.

This roundtable aims to bring together practitioners, state representatives, and stakeholders to enhance international efforts on capacity-building. It will serve as a platform for interactive discussions, showcasing initiatives, sharing best practices, and forming partnerships to identify gaps and leverage existing efforts. The roundtable will also coincide with a mapping exercise by the UN Secretariat to assess global capacity-building efforts.

The programme includes a signature panel on building cyber resilience for sustainable development, which will include opening remarks followed by discussions on overcoming barriers to building ICT security capacities, sharing international lessons in capacity-building, and addressing capacity gaps.

Two breakout group sessions will focus on practical measures to improve capacity-building efforts. Breakout Group I will discuss the strategic development of ICT policies and governance structures, while Breakout Group II will focus on strengthening technology, talent, and partnerships.