Informal multistakeholder session

7 Jun 2024 12:00h - 12:30h

Table of contents

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Full session report

International delegates reach consensus on cyber security and capacity building measures

During an international meeting focused on cyber security and capacity building, delegates engaged in extensive discussions to reach a consensus on several critical issues. The meeting was chaired by an individual who facilitated the dialogue and steered the proceedings towards constructive outcomes.

One of the main points of contention concerned the applicability of international law principles to cyberspace. Delegates deliberated on a new text that underscored the recognition of positive international law, including principles derived from the United Nations Charter. These principles encompassed state sovereignty, equality between states, non-interference, the right to self-defence, peaceful settlement, international humanitarian law, and human rights law. The delegates agreed to continue working on the modalities of applying these principles, taking into account the specificity of cyber activities.

The discussions emphasised the need for cooperation that respects the specific needs and concerns of recipient countries without interference in their internal affairs. This cooperation was deemed essential for capacity building in developing countries, highlighting the importance of revitalised, effective, and sustainable international cooperation.

Another key topic concerned the establishment of a mechanism for regular institutional dialogue under the auspices of the United Nations. Delegates discussed the need for such a mechanism to ensure inclusivity and transparency and to operate in synergy with the work of the UN First Committee. The proposed mechanism aimed to prevent the duplication of efforts and to streamline the work of the Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) with other initiatives.

The meeting also addressed the need for a program of action as part of the recommended next steps, following the progress achieved during the discussions. It was intended to harmonise the various proposals and initiatives put forward by delegations without duplicating the work of the OEWG. Delegates agreed to continue elaborating on the elements of the program of action, with a focus on gender balance and the involvement of regional and international forums in capacity building for security incident response teams.

After some debate, it was agreed to focus on the term ‘developing countries’ to encompass all nations in need of support, without further categorising them as ‘small’. This decision was made to avoid implying that some countries may not have contributions to make and to ensure that the term ‘developing countries’ adequately represented all nations requiring assistance.

The collaborative nature of the discussions and the delegates’ commitment to reaching a consensus was noteworthy, reflecting the diplomatic effort required to address complex global issues such as cyber security and international cooperation. The chair concluded the meeting by moving for the full report to be endorsed by the group, which was accepted without opposition. Delegates were reminded to maintain the decorum of referring to each other’s delegations respectfully throughout the discussions.

The meeting adjourned with an invitation to reconvene for further observations and thoughts on the process, highlighting the ongoing nature of the dialogue and the commitment to continuous improvement in international cyber security efforts.

Session transcript

Come back to this. What the chair proposes is that we go for now and then see if it is if when the whole, we go through the whole document if there’s a way of making sense. Thank you very much. Apologies for that. Thank you very much. We go on to the next intervention which is under recommended next step where we have under paragraph seven where end on international law was struck that is to say deleted um and then a new text proposed under what is now paragraph nine where it says the delegations recognize the applicability of positive international law of cyberspace including the principles derived from the united nations charter sovereignty of states equality between states non-interference right to self-defense and peaceful settlement international humanitarian law and international human rights law and we’ll continue to work on the modalities of application of these principles taking into account the specific specificity of cyber activities so just to give delegations a moment to absorb that and see if we can move forward um seeing that this is acceptable as it stands obviously repeat again nothing is accepted or decided upon everything is decided upon so we will come back to the full document we go further down the next intervention is where under d we have capacity building and a new text that has an intervention further down please down there we go um the new language is an addition to the section title it says capacity building and regular institutional dialogue so just to quickly stay here and assess temperature of the room as it were and if there are no interventions on that we go specifically to e so 14 e where a new language has been introduced that says delegations recognize the importance of revitalized effective and sustainable international cooperation in capacity building for developing countries in this respect they stress the need to take account of specific needs and concerns of recipient countries and demanded that cooperation for capacity building should not be used as a pretext for interfering in the internal affairs states take a moment to absorb that if there are no interventions directly to that we can move to the following intervention which is given that f has now been changed we have a new g that says delegations emphasize the need for a mechanism of regular institutional dialogue under the auspices of the un to ensure its inclusivity and transparency and its conduct in synergy with the first committee if there are no interventions on that we go to h delegations take note of different proposals and options for future mechanisms uh the chair recognizes the distinguished delegate of grades here thank you very much that seems reasonable so what we will do is introduce new texts let’s see if i can do actually oh yes and that’s works okay we go um of the u.n general assembly right i’m gone okay yes looks like good okay next is h so delegations take note of different proposals and options for future mechanisms however emphasizing the need to prevent duplication of the work so i think that it we can have a stop there and then we’ll use something now emphasizing the need prevent duplication of the work of the open-ended working group hence fall for the establishment of a single mechanism for regular institutional dialogue so we will work on the proofreading in the text but let’s stick let’s focus on the proposal itself establishment of a single mechanism for regular institutional dialogue see if there are there any interventions delegation of gray your uh name plate is up does that mean that it’s fine thank you so conceptually there doesn’t seem to be any issues with this proposal and again we will clean out the language of the whole thing but let’s move on to the next which is recommended next steps we have a pair of 15 here which is new in light of the progress achieved during the discussions of the opening of the working group it is imperative that the oewg consider a program of action as part of the recommended next steps recommended next steps the boa is not a contradictory mechanism that duplicates the work of the open-ended working group but harmonizes the various proposals and initiatives put forward by delegations if there are no objections we will move to 16 which is that delegations will continue elaborating on the elements of the program of action if there are no interventions on that we have 17 delegations well that’s the previous text that has not been amended 18 has been struck and we have a new 19 which is the delegations proposed the implementation of programs prioritizing gender balance and perspectives in capacity building in developing countries then we have a new 20 delegations proposed involvement of regional and international forums africa certain safety certain first etc in capacity building for security incident incident response teams c e r t c s i r t we have impressed for the floor by the delegation of blue blue you have the floor

Team Blue:
you you and messengers is a delegation a delegation a translation respects the so a delegation

we thank you for that for that thank you very muchdelegate of blue we have a request a delegate of orange. Orange you have a floor.

Team Orange:
Thank you mister Chair.The orange delegation we would like to thank you

thank you very much it’s not always in the quantity but in the quality so thank you very much for your very constructive input throughout the work of our body so with that we’ve come to the end of this document and interventions as they are let’s now look at the document section by section if we can go up to the beginning of the document starting going down we have the first preambular part which has remained as it is from the beginning so it is the belief of the chair that that is not problematic to delegations and we will propose to adopt it as such again the chair will propose section by section adoption but the full adoption will be for the full document so if the section is adopted we will come back to the full document as it is so the chair moves for the adoption of a overview as it is and has been submitted if there are no objections the section A overview is considered adopted we go to section B rules, norms and principles of responsible state behavior and international law so going back going down section B take a moment to consider it a few minutes in front of you and we will move to adopt it as it is so please take a moment to consider section B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as protection of the critical infrastructure. So to cut that from paragraph 8, and then chase it as a recommendation under capacity building as a possible renewal, it’s something true. It’s about the full view, and it was like full screen. No, it was similar in the view. This is why the chair says that nothing is agreed until everything is agreed. It’s very important. We can still do that. But right now, our initial concern is whether we can cut that from the section of 1B, rules, norms, and then chase it into section this or capacity building. So first, I will put the Zoom here. The chair will give a few moments of delegation to close this. And the same to you. Most of you have done the same. Yeah, that’s it. Yeah, that’s it. OK. That’s it. So it’s fine. That’s always better. The chair recognizes that the delegation of yellow, we should take the floor. Yellow. And this is acceptable to you?

Team Yellow:

This seems acceptable to yellow and gray. I saw that the name plate went down, which means that it is acceptable to you. So what we’re doing is we’re taking what is now paragraph eight. We’re cutting it from here. And we’re introducing it as the last paragraph, which is now 22 on the recommended next steps for capacity building. But we’ll get to capacity building. So at the moment, our focus remains on section B, rules, norms, and principles of responsible state behavior. The section is as it was before, with the exception of a paragraph, which was before paragraph eight, which has been deleted from that section. Does that section, as it now stands, can enjoy consensus in the room? That seems to be the case. Section B is then accepted as revised. We go on to section C, confidence building measures. Chair will give a moment for delegations to consider it as it is. Delegations are asked, they have access to this document. But please do not change the document, because it’s not just on your computer. You make changes to the document, you’re changing for everyone. So only the chair has the pen to do that. You may propose changes, then the chair will consider them. But please do not make changes to the document itself. With that, there doesn’t seem to be the case that there are any requests for the floor on section C, confidence building measures, as it is. The chair then takes that, meaning that that section enjoys the support of all delegations, or at the very least, does not request any withdrawal of support by any delegation. The chair then moves to adopt section C as it is. If there are no objections, section C is adopted as amended. We move on to section D, most specifically now changed with a new title. Section D is capacity building and regular institutional dialogue. There are several changes in it, including in the recommended next steps. The chair will give a few minutes for delegations to go over that, and then come to adoption of that section. Please take the time to consider the full section. The chair recognizes and distinguishes the delegate from yellow. Yellow, you have the floor.

Team Yellow:
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Just a very minor observation there. C, 14C, D, 14C, the use of invited here, maybe we underline, we underscore, we stress, either of these could replace that invited. The delegations stress the need for greater inclusion of perspective of developing countries, or underscore the need for, and so on and so forth, whichever that is chosen.

Delegation stress for greater inclusion of perspectives of developing countries in global cyber security dialogues and capacity building, and then does the invited stay here or another? Delegates of yellow, second invited is OK, or should that be changed as well?

Team Yellow:
OK. Yes, yes, all of you can do this. Please, please support. Thank you.

Does that satisfy delegation of yellow as it is?

Team Yellow:

Does that mean that any other delegation is OK with these changes? Delegation of orange, you have the floor.

Team Orange:
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Back to the ethics that the delegation of yellow was just making, if we could include increased support to small and developing countries and take out including an app. If you could repeat that, I didn’t hear that very well. Including increased support to small and developing countries also.

So is this acceptable to all delegations?

Team Yellow:
Yeah, maybe orange has a better idea why with respect to small and developing countries. What is small and what is developing? We don’t make it developing countries. Unless otherwise, you have something very substantial to defend.

The chair, first of all, proposes that all delegates keep the decorum of referring to delegations as such, not to individuals within it. And if that is the case and that continues to be the case, then chair invites orange to clarify if they feel it is necessary.

Team Orange:
Thank you, Mr. Chair. The delegation of orange can go with what the yellow just proposed.

Which is?

Team Orange:
To keep the developing.

It was the impression of the chair that it was small and developing in the beginning, but then we are keeping it as it is, right? Small and developing countries?

Team Orange:
It was developing countries initially.

Yes, we introduced small, but it kept small anyways. Is this right now, as it stands, acceptable to both yellow and orange, including increased support to small and developing countries?

Team Yellow:
Mr. Chair, my delegation tend to look at issues holistically. We tend to present the situation as it is, as it affects the universe. And while we are very prescriptive to the extent we have to say small and developing, we are tending to a larger extent thinking that only developing countries has a need. I mean, they have a need. Other countries will have a need. Developing countries have expertise in their different formats as may be required. So if we are being prescriptive to this extent, we are precluding that they would have nothing to contribute, that developing countries have nothing to contribute. And therefore, since we have gotten developing countries to a larger extent for those who propose it, we want to remove small. Small is inside developing countries. They have not developed. Being small does not make them develop. Unless there are small developed countries and there are small undeveloped countries are developing. Otherwise, Mr. Chair, let it go the way it was. Support to developing countries and they strike out small. Thank you.

Thank you very much. Before giving further to the floor, the chair is slightly surprised by the level of detail this point is getting, where we have been able to find consensus much more contentious issues. But let’s go with it. The delegation of purple was next at the request of the floor and then blue. I’m not sure if gray is also on this. Purple, you have the floor.

Team Purple:
Thank you, Mr. President. It is simply to support the proposal of yellow consisting of small. If the new formulation is adopted, it is good for us. We have small countries. We put developing countries. If it is accepted, it is good for us. Thank you.

Thank you very much. Delegation of purple. Next was blue to follow by gray.

Team Blue:
Thank you, Mr. President. I support the proposal of the delegation. Our delegation supports the proposal of the yellow delegation because it is a unity. It is a political calculation. So we can simply create a development. Thank you.

Thank you very much. Blue, gray, you have the floor.

Team Gray:
Thank you very much, Mr. President. I take the floor to support the proposal of the Democratic Republic of Yellow. As we say, small, it can be small development states, as well as small developed states. So, the fourth word that should interest you here is developing countries, because international cooperation in terms of strengthening of genetic capacity is intended to support developing countries. I think we can just put developing countries. Thank you very much.

That seems to be the closest common.

Team Gray:
Please, Mr. President. In terms of integration, I think small developing countries are in their place. It’s not just that the country is small, but it’s just the difference between countries that have the difficulty of being at the same level as others. Finally, the term is applied and dedicated to say that we must help them because they are not at the same level as other countries. Thank you.

Thank you very much. To all, it seems that the best way to move forward is to remove small N, including increased support to developing countries. Let’s then move forward. Now to take the full section D as it is capacity building on regular institutional dialogue. Are there any objections or requests for the floor for this section? Second. Yes, delegation of yellow, please go ahead.

Team Yellow:
Mr. Chair, thank you. E, just a little matter of consistency. Rather than D, we can repeat the delegations. Rather than D, that is line 1, 2, 3. Distress. Thank you.

Thank you very much, delegation of yellow. We’ve changed that to delegations instead of they. Any other changes or requests for anything under section D? If there are none, the chair moves that section D is adopted as amended. There doesn’t seem to be any opposition to that. The chair then concludes that section D is adopted as amended. Let’s move to the full document. You will have it in front of you as well, not just in front of this document but in the projection. Can the full report be adopted as amended? Does that properly convey the discussions and the interests of all delegations and can it enjoy consensus? The chair has seen the hand raised but the chair only recommends delegations. Yellow, the upper part.

Team Yellow:
This means endorse.

What means what, sir?

Team Yellow:
It means to endorse.

It can also mean a point of order. If there is no opposition then the chair moves for the full report to be endorsed by this group. There doesn’t seem to be any opposition therefore we move that the report is accepted, adopted and endorsed by this group. Thank you. Thank you very much. Let’s move out of the formal part. Within that formal part we have a few words to say about how everything went well and all delegations. Let’s say that the simulation has finished. Come back at 2 o’clock promptly for some observations and thoughts on the process. Right now enjoy a well-deserved lunch and see you at 2 o’clock sharp.



Speech speed

128 words per minute

Speech length

2654 words

Speech time

1248 secs


Team Blue

Speech speed

80 words per minute

Speech length

77 words

Speech time

58 secs


Team Gray

Speech speed

136 words per minute

Speech length

165 words

Speech time

73 secs


Team Orange

Speech speed

141 words per minute

Speech length

106 words

Speech time

45 secs


Team Purple

Speech speed

120 words per minute

Speech length

55 words

Speech time

27 secs


Team Yellow

Speech speed

134 words per minute

Speech length

388 words

Speech time

174 secs