Geneva Communicators Network Seminar on Internet Security

The Geneva Communicators Network announces a lunchtime seminar on Internet security.

Doris Altenkamp, expert in information security will speak about the security dynamics of cyber space and provide insights into current threats and mitigation strategies on the Internet. She will explain how individuals and organisations may stand up to the challenge of an increasingly complex threat landscape. 

Date: Friday 31 October 2014
Time: 12h30 to 14h00
Location: The Swiss Press Club, Route de Ferney 106, La Pastorale, 1202 Geneva.
Fee: CHF 20.- per person includes drinks and snacks – payable at the door.

Places are limited due to the venue size, so please register early for the event.

Register here for the event

About the speaker: 

Doris Altenkamp has over 15 years of professional experience in information security and ICT. She has consulted with organisations in various industries, translating changing information security requirements and regulations into security management architectures and solutions aligned with business needs and corporate goals. She is currently leading the Security Technology Workshop at the ISF Grey Chapter. Doris has worked as an information security professional and security facilitator in various leadership roles for over 20 years. She has a degree in Computer Science from Saarland University, Saarbrücken and has conducted extensive research and published material on coding theory. 
