The Future of Work we want: A Global Dialogue

6 Apr 2017 - 7 Apr 2017

Geneva, Switzerland

On 6-7 April 2017, the International Labour Organization (ILO) will hold a conference on ‘The Future of Work we want: A Global Dialogue’, at its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

Organised under the ILO Future of Work Centenary Initiative, the symposium will be dedicated to gaining a greater understanding of the changes in the work environments, and to develop effective policy responses that can shape the future of work.  The Symposium will be structured around the Initiative’s four ‘centenary conversations’: work and society, decent jobs for all, the organisation of work and production, and the governance of work. The event will bring together international thinkers and actors who are at the forefront of debates on each topic. A special session will discuss the perspectives for and views of young people – including representatives of the social partners – in the future of work they will experience. 

Some of the specific topics to be tackled during the two-day event include: the impact of the transfromations in the world of work on how individuals interact; the interplay of technological innovations, structural transformation, economic development, and social challenges and its impact on the future of work; challenges and opportunities faced by young people in the new world of work; the organisation of work and production; and the governance of work.

For more information, visit the event webpage.
