European Data Protection & Privacy Conference

Brussels, Belgium

The seventh annual European Data Protection & Privacy Conference will be held on 1 December 2016, in Brussels, Belgium. 

The conference, organised by Forum Europe, will discuss the implementation of new EU rules on privacy and data protection (the General Data Protection Regulation to apply in EU member states from May 2018), and will look into how organisations needs to rethink their privacy and data protection policies in order to comply with the legal requirements. The event will also explore how data-driven innovation can be supported while preserving consumers’ and citizens’ privacy, as well as discussing the extent to which achieving a level-playing field for all market players is possible. In addition, it will examine the new EU data protection rules within a global context.

The programme of the event will include three panels on: Protecting personal data and supporting data innovation: striking the right balance; The ePrivacy Directive review: a level playing field for all market players?; The new data protection and privacy framework – facilitating international data flows. 

For more information, visit the event website.
