European Commission: Public Consultation on the rules on liability of the producer for damage caused by a defective product

10 Jan 2017 - 26 Apr 2017


The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the evaluation of Directive 85/374/EEC on the liability of defective products. 

The consultation is aimed at collecting stakeholder’s views on the application and performance of the Directive on liability for defective products, in particular with regard to:

  • whether and to what extent the Directive meets its objectives of guaranteeing at EU level the liability without fault of the producer for damage caused by a defective product
  • whether it still corresponds to stakeholders’ needs
  • if the Directive is fit-for-purpose vis-à-vis new technological developments such as the Internet of Things and autonomous systems.

The results of the public consultation will provide evidence to assess the extent to which the provisions of the Directive have been effective and efficient, relevant (given the needs and its objectives), coherent (with other EU policies), and whether they have achieved EU added-value.

The consultation is addressed to all interested parties, and in particular producers and insurers, business representatives, consumers, as well as public authorities and researchers. It consists of three online questionnaires addressed to producers, consumers and public authorities respectively.

To contribute to the consultation, visit the dedicated webpage.

