eCrime Cyber-Security Symposium

5 Oct 2016 - 7 Oct 2016

Bratislava, Slovakia

The European chapter of the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG.EU) will organise the eCrime Cyber-Security Symposium 2016 (eCrime2016.EU) on 5-7 October 2016, in Bratislava, Slovakia.

‘Cyber-Security Awareness’ will be the main topic of the conference, which will look at the operational challenges and development of common resources and best practices for first responders and forensic professionals. There will also be discussions on current research projects and future areas of interest for cybercrime investigations, forensic techniques, and infrastructure defense. The programme of the event will include keynote presentatons, technical and practical sessions, interactive panels, and tutorials. 

The symposium will bring together academic researchers, security practitioners, and law enforcement authorities, to discuss and exchange ideas, experiences, and lessons learnt in all aspects of electronic crime, and ways to combat it. Presenters will review case studies of national and regional economies under attack, narratives of successful trans-national forensic cooperation, while considering models for cooperation against ecrime and examining resources for cybercrime response and forensic enterprise.

For more information, visit the event webpage
