Direitos Humanos no Ambiente Digital: Perspectivas Sobre Termos de Uso

O Evento: O Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade da FGV DIREITO RIO convida para a Conferência Internacional Direitos Humanos no Ambiente Digital: Perspectivas Sobre Termos de Uso.


Welcome Coffee

Mesa 1: A Complexidade dos Termos de Uso e Iniciativas para Promover Acessibilidade e Transparência
(14h- 15h30)
– Abertura e moderação: Marilia Maciel, Gestora, CTS/FGV, Council of Europe (TBD)
– Nicolo Zingales, Fellow e Líder de Projetos, CTS/FGV
– Jamila Venturini and Luiza Louzada, Pesquisadoras, CTS/FGV
– Par Lannero, Fundador, Common Terms and The Biggest Lie
– Priya Kumar, Ranking Digital Rights    
Coffee Break

Mesa 2: Enfrentando o Desequilíbrio de Poder no Setor Privado Online
(15h45- 17h15)

– Moderador: Konstantinos Stylianou, Fellow e Líder de Projetos, CTS/FGV
– Dennys Antonialli, Presidente, Internet Lab
– Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Fundador, Panoptykon and VP, European Digital Rights Institute (EDRI)
– Veridiana Alimonti, Advogada e Pesquisadora, Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor (IDEC)
– Laura Tresca, Brazil Freedom of Expression Officer, Article 19
Coffee Break

Mesa 3: Responsabilidade Coorporativa e Ativismo da Sociedade Civil

– Moderador: Luiz Moncau, Gestor, CTS/FGV
– Katitza Rodriguez, Diretor de Direitos Internacionais, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)        
– Marcel Leonardi, Diretor de Políticas Públicas, Google Brasil        
– Bruno Magrani, Diretor de Políticas Públicas, Facebook Brazil (TBC)    
– Neide de Oliveira and Ana Padilha, Public Prosecutor’s Office

Considerações finais
(19h- 20h)​


– Evento Gratuito;
– Não é permitida a entrada nas dependências da FGV usando bermudas, chinelos e regatas ou trajes de banho.

en 0The Center of Technology and Society of FGV Rio Law School invites you to the International Conference on Human Rights in the Digital Environment: Perspectives on Online Terms of Service 


Welcome Coffee

Panel 1: Understanding Rights: Explaining ToS Complexity to Increase Accessibility and Transparency
(14h- 15h30)
– Opening remarks and moderation: Marilia Maciel, Coordinator, CTS/FGV, Council of Europe (TBD)
– Nicolo Zingales, Fellow and Project coordinator, CTS/FGV
– Jamila Venturini and Luiza Louzada, Researchers, CTS/FGV
– Par Lannero, Founder, Common Terms and The Biggest Lie
– Priya Kumar, Ranking Digital Rights    
Short Coffee Break

Panel 2: Reclaiming Rights: Confronting Power Imbalance in Private Online Spaces
(15h45- 17h15)

– Moderator: Konstantinos Stylianou, Fellow and Project Coordinator, CTS/FGV
– Dennys Antonialli, President, Internet Lab
– Katarzyna Szymielewicz, Founder, Panoptykon and VP, European Digital Rights Institute (EDRI)
– Veridiana Alimonti,  Lawyer and Researcher, Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor (IDEC)
– Laura Tresca, Brazil Freedom of Expression Officer, Article 19
Short Coffee Break

Panel 3: Reframing Rights: Corporate Responsibility and Civil Society Engagement

– Moderator: Luiz Moncau, Coordinator, CTS/FGV
– Katitza Rodriguez, International Rights Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)        
– Marcel Leonardi, Head of Public Policy, Google Brasil        
– Bruno Magrani, Head of Public Policy, Facebook Brazil (TBC)    
– Neide de Oliveira and Ana Padilha, Public Prosecutor’s Office

Closing remarks and  Reception
(19h- 20h)


– The event is free;
– It is not allowed to enter the FGV building wearing shorts, sleeveless shirt, swimwear and slippers.


Sede FGV. Praia de Botafogo, 190. Hall do 8º andar
