Challenges and Opportunities: A Condensed Workshop on Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Internet Governance Research

Guadalajara, Mexico

The Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GIGANET) and the Internet POlicy Observatory at the University of Pennsylvania will organise a workshop on ‘Challenges and Opportunities: A Condensed Workshop on Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Internet Governance Research’, on 4 December 2016. The workshop will be held in Guadalajara, Mexico, in the context of the 11th meeting of the Internet Governance Forum.

The aim of the workshop is to help bridge the gap across disciplines and open opportunities for interdisciplinary research in the area of Internet governance. It will bring together computer scientists and social, political and/or legal scholars who have been conducting research on issues such as censorship, net neutrality, privacy and surveillance, to discuss methodological issues as well best practices for collaboration between scholars from a variety of disciplines. The second half of the programme will feature an open roundtable to discuss the role of academics (and GIGANET) in the wider Internet governance and policymaking context. Discussions will focus on how to foster research that is relevant both in academic circles as well as for policy and advocacy communities, how to build research collaborations with advocacy organisations that might be conducting research or have access to significant datasets, and how to bring more researchers and academics, particularly emerging talent, into Internet governance conversations and spaces. 

More information about the worskhop will be made available on the GIGANET website.
