2nd Big Data For Precision Medicine Symposium (BDPM 2019)

4 Jun 2019

Cordoba, Spain

The 2nd Big Data For Precision Medicine Symposium (BDPM 2019) is being organised by the iASiS and Pulse projects and will be held on 4 June 2019 in Cordoba, Spain.

The event will be held with the participation of all the same PM18 call projects aiming to further discuss and share updates in the fields of big data and precision medicine. The symposium will bring together European and national projects working with big data to pave the way for diagnosis and treatment approaches that are more personalised.The iASiS and Pulse projects are part of the Horizon 2020 Strategy of the European Union. The event will be held one day ahead of the IEEE CBMS 2019 taking place on 5 -7 June 2019, at IMIBIC (Instituto Maimónides de Investigación Biomédica de Córdoba) in Córdoba, Spain.

Please visit the IEEE CBMS 2019 website for more information.
