Securing Tomorrow: Building Resilience Through Education

1 Nov 2023 08:00h - 08:25h UTC

Event report


  • Nisha Pilai


  • H.E. Yousef Abdullah Albenyan

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report

Excellency Mr. Yusuf Albanyan

Mr. Yusuf Albanyan, a former minister of education with a background in the energy and chemical industry, aims to enhance global cybersecurity through public-private partnerships. He sees himself as a catalyst between the public and private sectors and wants to target the enhancement of global cybersecurity issues. This aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 9 and 17, which focus on industry, innovation, infrastructure, and partnerships for the goals.

Mr. Albanyan believes that cybersecurity education should be integrated into the education system as a change management program. He argues that the current youth generations are dealing with cybersecurity daily in their communications and learning materials and that their future lives are linked to cybersecurity issues. By incorporating cybersecurity education into the curriculum, students will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the challenges of the digital world.

Furthermore, Mr. Albanyan emphasizes the role of families and the community in developing responsible online behavior. He believes that a lack of awareness and a weak sense of caution are major challenges to cybersecurity. Therefore, community contributions to the entire transformation plan are important. This highlights the need for collaboration and cooperation between various stakeholders in society, including families, to effectively tackle cybersecurity issues.

The Saudi Arabian government is also prioritizing cybersecurity. It is focusing on creating an ecosystem to address these challenges, and the Ministry of Education is actively involved in this effort. This demonstrates the recognition of cybersecurity as a crucial aspect of national security and the development of a future-ready workforce.

In terms of the education system, teachers play a fundamental role. Development programs are being set up to provide teachers with the necessary training and knowledge to handle cybersecurity issues. Additionally, digital literacy and AI are considered essential tools to enhance teachers’ skills and research capabilities.

The use of distance learning and digital tools is expected to be an integral part of the future education system. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of these tools, and the view of digital education needs to evolve from an emergency model to an integral part of the educational experience.

Private sector involvement in education is seen as a necessity rather than a luxury. Mr. Albanyan believes that the private sector and government should work together and complement each other’s roles to provide quality education and prepare future generations for the challenges of the digital era.

In conclusion, Mr. Yusuf Albanyan’s vision for enhancing global cybersecurity through public-private partnerships and integrating cybersecurity education into the education system reflects a proactive approach to addressing the challenges of the digital world. The emphasis on collaboration, cooperation, and value-driven transformation highlights the importance of involving all relevant stakeholders, including families, communities, and the private sector, in ensuring a safe and secure digital environment for everyone.

Moderator – Nisha Pillay

In the discussion, the importance of cybersecurity education and awareness was emphasised. Living in an age of increasing cyber threats, developing a cybersecurity mindset is critical. Education was seen as crucial in improving cybersecurity, but it was also recognised that implementing cybersecurity knowledge can be challenging due to various addictions, such as internet and social media. The addictive nature of social media poses a hurdle in adapting to a cybersecurity mindset.

Starting cybersecurity education from an early age was deemed fundamental as children need to be introduced to cybersecurity as soon as possible in the face of burgeoning cyber threats. Efforts should be made to educate young people about responsible online behavior given that they are born into a digital world and often take it for granted. The addictive nature of much of social media makes it challenging for them to develop responsible online behavior, but it is still crucial to teach them about responsible digital citizenship.

Several programs are in place to enhance cybersecurity awareness. One program mentioned is AMIN, which involves the National Cybersecurity Authority (NCA), the Ministry of Education, and the Saudi Arabian Vision 2030 Cybersecurity Center (SAVIC). The program includes conducting nationwide exhibitions, providing virtual and physical lectures, and having ambassadors spread the importance of cybersecurity.

The approach to cybersecurity needs to change, viewing it not just as a system or policy issue but as a personal responsibility for the safety and future of individuals. It was proposed to instill values in security awareness programs, making it more of an emotional appeal rather than just a list of dos and don’ts.

The idea of banning phones in schools to increase student engagement was raised. Excessive phone usage can distract students and hinder their engagement, so limiting phone usage in schools could lead to increased focus and participation.

When it comes to education and awareness, the focus should shift from policy enforcement to cyber education and awareness. The younger generation is born into a digital era and views it as business as usual. Therefore, efforts should be directed towards a transformational awareness program that educates and empowers individuals regarding cybersecurity, rather than relying on fear tactics.

The role of teachers in a digitised education system was highlighted. Teachers may not have grown up in the digital age and may need additional support to effectively teach cybersecurity. Therefore, it is important to address the role and needs of teachers in a digitised education system.

Furthermore, the value of digital literacy and cybersecurity training for teachers was discussed. A comprehensive program is in place to provide teachers with the necessary training and support, covering topics such as digital literacy, cybersecurity, and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education. Equipping teachers with digital skills is essential for them to effectively teach cybersecurity to their students.

The potential benefits and ethical implications of AI in education were explored. AI can enhance the skillsets and research capabilities of teachers and university faculty, but it is important to balance the opportunities and threats associated with AI in the learning environment. With proper control and implementation, the risks of educational technology can be minimised.

Ethical considerations in AI implementation were mentioned, with global leaders expressing concerns. A strong platform is needed to manage the risks associated with AI and ensure its ethical use in education.

The role of the private sector in cybersecurity was also discussed. Private companies collaborating with the government are crucial in enhancing cybersecurity measures. The private sector plays a significant role in developing innovative solutions and technologies to tackle cyber threats.

Additionally, the value of digital education, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, was acknowledged. Distance learning has played a vital role in ensuring the continuity of education during challenging times.

Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of cybersecurity education and awareness in combating cyber threats. It emphasised the need to start cybersecurity education from a young age, develop responsible online behavior, and introduce values into security awareness programs. The role of teachers, the potential benefits and ethical implications of AI in education, the role of the private sector, and the value of digital education were also discussed. Collaboration between stakeholders, including the government, private sector, and educators, is crucial in achieving cybersecurity goals and ensuring a safe digital future.




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