Plenary: Sustainability at Risk: Drawing Insights from Climate Talks to Elevate Cybersecurity

2 Nov 2023 06:45h - 07:10h UTC

Event report


  • John Defterios


  • H.E. Adel Al-Jubeir

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report

Moderator – John Defterios

The participation of high-level officials in the Global Cybersecurity Forum (GCF) signifies the importance of secure cyberspace for Saudi Arabia and the Middle East. This demonstrates the country’s recognition that cyberspace is an integral part of the security apparatus, especially in conflict-ridden areas. The Middle East and North Africa region is currently experiencing upheavals due to ongoing conflicts, further highlighting the significance of addressing cybersecurity.

Saudi Arabia also acknowledges the need to address cybersecurity in the Global South. The initial reactions to the start of the pandemic were more focused on protecting one’s own citizens, without considering the global community. However, just like a pandemic, situations in cyberspace can cross boundaries, and Saudi Arabia sees the necessity for the Global South to be protected digitally as they continue to develop. The country recognizes the growth opportunity within the Global South and the importance of safeguarding it digitally.

Emphasis is placed on collaboration and a global perspective when addressing cybersecurity needs in the Global South. John Defterios, a prominent figure, suggests adopting a global approach to tackle the cybersecurity challenges faced by developing nations, particularly within the Global South. He draws parallels between cyber issues and the global nature of a pandemic, emphasizing the need for a coordinated and collaborative effort.

Despite regional unrest, there is trust in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States’ ability to maintain stability. The Gulf States have a history of 35 years of coverage during which stability has been maintained, and this track record instills confidence. This trust extends to Saudi Arabia’s ambitious 2030 plan, which emphasizes cybersecurity, educational reforms, and global integration despite the prevailing regional instability.

The progress of reforms and the 2030 vision in Saudi Arabia has seen remarkable transformation over the past seven years. Saudi Arabia’s 2030 vision encompasses various reforms aimed at achieving sustainable economic growth and promoting peace and justice. However, there are concerns about the continuity of the 2030 plan amidst the regional uncertainty.

In conclusion, the increased participation of high-level officials in the Global Cybersecurity Forum highlights the importance of secure cyberspace for Saudi Arabia and the Middle East. The country recognizes the significance of addressing cybersecurity in the Global South, emphasizing collaboration and a global perspective. Despite regional unrest, there is trust in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States to maintain stability. The progress of reforms and the 2030 vision in Saudi Arabia has shown significant transformation, although questions remain about the plan’s continuity in the face of regional uncertainty.

H.E. Adel Al-Jubeir

This analysis focuses on the various topics discussed by H.E. Adel Al-Jubeir, highlighting the importance of cybersecurity, global cooperation, and the future of Saudi Arabia. It underscores the significance of collaboration, international cooperation, and global stability in addressing various global challenges.

One of the main points emphasised in the analysis is the critical role that cybersecurity plays in both local and global prosperity. It is highlighted that cybersecurity impacts every aspect of life, including education and the economy. The argument presented is that cybersecurity is essential for both local and global prosperity. The supporting facts for this argument include the assertion that Saudi Arabia is a major player in the international system, and its success affects global stability.

Another main point discussed is the need for global cooperation to solve world challenges. The argument put forth is that challenges such as climate change and pandemics affect everyone, regardless of their country or religion, and that success in facing these challenges depends on global cooperation and transparency. The sentiment towards this point is positive, and supporting facts include the statement that challenges like climate change and pandemics impact the entire world, and thus, a cooperative approach is necessary.

The future of Saudi Arabia is another significant topic discussed, with an emphasis on diversification and empowerment. The argument made is that the future of Saudi Arabia depends on diversifying the economy and empowering women and youth. Vision 2030, a plan to transform Saudi Arabia by diversifying the economy and empowering women and youth, is referenced as a means to achieve this. Moreover, it is mentioned that the country seeks to attract both domestic and international investments.

Additionally, the analysis highlights the vital role that Saudi Arabia can play as a bridge builder between China and the United States. The supporting facts state that Saudi Arabia has strategic relations with the United States and that China is Saudi Arabia’s largest trading partner. The sentiment towards this point is positive.

The analysis also acknowledges the necessity for a transition from confrontation to cooperation and a shift from competition to a sum-sum game in which all parties benefit. The sentiment towards this point is neutral, and the supporting facts suggest that the international system is better served when the two largest economies, the U.S. and China, cooperate and avoid confrontation.

Another topic discussed is the need for scientific, rational, and logical approaches to addressing climate change and cybersecurity issues, rather than being emotional and hypocritical. The sentiment towards this point is negative, and the argument posits that it is essential to approach these issues using scientific reasoning and rationality. The supporting facts mention the history of climate change discussions and cybersecurity resolutions.

Furthermore, the analysis highlights the pressing need for quick agreements on cybersecurity definitions, dangers, and international conventions. The argument suggests that multilateral cooperation should be accelerated to counter cyber threats. The supporting facts state that cyber issues relate to extremism recruitment, child pornography, money laundering, and the compromise of critical institutions.

H.E. Adel Al-Jubeir is mentioned as viewing the establishment of a center for cybersecurity as beneficial. The supporting facts suggest that the center will play a critical role in highlighting the importance of dealing with cybersecurity, formulating effective measures, and facilitating the global exchange of ideas.

The importance of cybersecurity is further reiterated, with the assertion that it should rank among the top three policy issues. This sentiment is supported by the mention of common reliance on internet access for essential needs and a comparison of cybersecurity with the rising concern for climate change.

The analysis also emphasizes the necessity of global cooperation to combat cyber threats. It highlights the need for a cooperative way forward, as exclusivity does not benefit anyone.

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and emerging technologies is also discussed. It is stated that the speed of technological development and the emergence of new technologies is outpacing our ability to regulate and secure them. The sentiment towards this point is concerned, and the argument suggests that there is a need for transparency and regulation in AI and cybersecurity to avoid confusion and chaos. The supporting facts mention the potential for AI to create simulations of real people saying things they didn’t and the possibility of misrepresenting world leaders.

The analysis also highlights the importance of finding global solutions to cyber protection, particularly for the Global South. It mentions that the world is moving towards globalization and that no single country can solve global problems alone. The sentiment towards this point is positive.

Furthermore, the analysis emphasizes the significance of global collaboration and interconnectedness. It mentions Saudi Arabia’s focus on connecting itself with the world and participating in reciprocal learning, allowing for better understanding, trade, investment, and cultural exchange. The sentiment towards this point is positive.

The stability of Saudi Arabia amidst regional disturbances is also emphasized, with the sentiment being positive. It is mentioned that Saudi Arabia has been consistent in its progress and reforms, regardless of regional unrest.

The participation of Saudi Arabia in global institutions, such as the G20 and BRICS, and the hosting of global events like the World Cup, is also highlighted. The sentiment towards this point is positive, and the argument suggests that there is no contradiction between participating in global institutions and hosting global events.

The analysis further underscores the importance of increased cooperation among nations, leading to better understanding, trade, investment, and cultural exchange. It states that Saudi Arabia is participating in global forums to build bridges and that increased understanding leads to global stability and prosperity.

Lastly, the analysis emphasizes the critical importance of maintaining trust in societal systems, particularly in areas such as e-commerce, aviation, and vital infrastructure like power and water systems. The sentiment towards this point is positive, and the argument asserts the significance of trust in maintaining societal stability.

In conclusion, the analysis highlights the importance of cybersecurity, global cooperation, and the future of Saudi Arabia. It emphasizes the need for transparency and regulation in AI and cybersecurity, as well as the necessity for global solutions to cyber protection. The analysis also underscores the significance of maintaining trust in societal systems and the role of education and awareness. Overall, it emphasizes the importance of collaboration, international cooperation, and global stability in addressing various global challenges.


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