Cyberspace Needs You: Attracting Women to Cybersecurity Careers

2 Nov 2023 11:30h - 12:00h UTC

Event report


  • Jane Witherspoon


  • H.E. Dr. Margarete Schramböck
  • Dr. CĂ©cile Aptel
  • Betania Allo

Table of contents

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Session report

Moderator – Jane Witherspoon

During a discussion on the barriers inhibiting women from pursuing careers in cybersecurity, Jane Witherspoon highlighted the importance of addressing these obstacles. Jane firmly believes in achieving equal gender representation in the field, as this is crucial for promoting diversity and ensuring that all perspectives are included in the development of cybersecurity strategies. Seeking insights on how to encourage more women to enter the industry, Jane turned to Tania, who shared her own experiences and insights.

Tania, while recounting her journey in overcoming barriers, shed light on a few key factors. She emphasized the need for role models in the cybersecurity field who can inspire and guide aspiring female professionals. Such role models play a crucial role in empowering and encouraging women to pursue careers in this male-dominated industry. Additionally, Tania highlighted the presence of misconceptions surrounding cybersecurity roles, which hinder women from considering it as a viable career option. Addressing these misconceptions through education and awareness can help break down barriers and attract more women to the cybersecurity field.

The discussion between Jane Witherspoon and Tania showed a positive sentiment towards the goal of achieving equal gender representation in cybersecurity. By openly discussing the barriers and seeking solutions, they demonstrated an active commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive environment for women in the field. The insights and experiences shared by Tania revealed valuable lessons that can be used to develop strategies to encourage more women to pursue careers in cybersecurity.

Overall, the conversation between Jane Witherspoon and Tania highlights the importance of addressing the existing barriers inhibiting women from entering the cybersecurity field. By promoting equal gender representation and providing role models, as well as dispelling misconceptions, we can encourage more women to pursue careers in this critical industry. Taking these steps will not only bridge the gender gap but also help create a more diverse and inclusive cybersecurity workforce for the future.

H.E. Dr. Margarete Schramböck

The analysis of the provided information reveals several important points that highlight the importance of gender diversity and inclusion in the field of cybersecurity. Firstly, it is crucial to promote and include women in cybersecurity, as demonstrated by the success stories from Aramco Digital’s security operations team, where approximately 50% of the team consists of women. Additionally, in Saudi Arabia, 58% of engineers are women, indicating a positive trend towards gender equality in this field.

The presence of authentic company cultures and the availability of female role models are identified as key factors in attracting more women to cybersecurity. The success of Vision 2030 in Saudi Arabia is cited as an example of how companies and organizations can demonstrate authenticity and effectively encourage women’s participation in this field.

There is a recognized lack of female role models, particularly in middle management positions, which further limits the progression of women in cybersecurity. This observation is supported by the personal experience of a female CEO who highlights the existing gap in this area.

Demographics play a significant role in shaping the opportunities for digital transformation and cybersecurity. Saudi Arabia, with its young population, presents an exciting potential for change in these areas. The presence of many young people eager to be part of the transformation, particularly in the digital sphere, highlights the importance of tapping into this demographic advantage.

Furthermore, there is a notable disparity between investment in technology and the digital sector in Saudi Arabia compared to Europe. The analysis underscores that Saudi Arabia has more prominent investments in tech initiatives, such as ‘Sabrani,’ than Europe, reflecting a greater emphasis on the digital sector in the kingdom.

The evolution of digital jobs and the shift towards white-collar work has significantly contributed to including more women in the workforce, particularly in countries like Saudi Arabia where many women are engaged in engineering roles. This evolution is viewed as an opportunity to leverage the unique skillset that women bring to tech teams and digital jobs, further promoting gender diversity and equality.

The analysis also highlights the economic slowdown and challenging age structure that Europe currently faces, compared to Saudi Arabia’s growth rate of 8% on average. This divergence emphasizes the different economic and demographic circumstances between the two regions, reaffirming the need for caution in Europe’s role in the global technological landscape while acknowledging Saudi Arabia’s potential to play an important role in the future.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a shift in work models, making it easier to balance family life with job responsibilities. This newfound flexibility and adaptability in remote working arrangements have highlighted different ways of working, providing evidence that alternative working models are feasible.

The integration of women into companies should start right from the hiring process, addressing women more directly and removing barriers to their inclusion. This observation is drawn from the experience of a former CEO who recognizes the importance of taking proactive steps to ensure gender equality throughout the acquisition and hiring phases.

Support from various communities is crucial in fostering growth and success in all areas, including cybersecurity. The example of Dr. Margarete Schramböck, who started her career by selling telephone systems and reached out to mentors within the tech community, underscores the significance of community support and mentorship.

Advocacy for mixed teams and collaboration is also deemed essential in promoting gender equality and reducing inequalities. The belief in doing things together rather than separately, demonstrated by an individual’s personal experience of being often the only woman in the room early in her career, showcases the importance of fostering diverse and collaborative teams.

Early engagement of young women in subjects of their interest, such as through apprenticeships in fields like e-commerce, has proven to be a successful strategy for attracting them to the tech field. The introduction of e-commerce apprenticeships in Austria resulted in 60% of participants being women, showcasing the effectiveness of this approach in bridging the gender gap in tech.

In conclusion, the analysis reveals the significance of gender diversity and inclusion in cybersecurity. It highlights the importance of promoting and including women in this field, authentic company cultures, the presence of female role models, demographics, and investment in technology. The evolution of digital jobs, the economic challenges faced by Europe, the impact of COVID-19 on work models, and the need for integration of women into companies from the hiring phase are all noteworthy aspects. The analysis also emphasizes the importance of community support, advocacy for mixed teams and collaboration, and early engagement of young women in subjects of their interest. Overall, a comprehensive approach involving various strategies is vital for achieving gender equality and fostering growth in the field of cybersecurity.

Dr. CĂ©cile Aptel

The lack of representation of women in the cybersecurity sector is an urgent issue that needs to be addressed. Currently, only about a third of diplomats in cybersecurity are women, highlighting a significant gender disparity. The underrepresentation of women in this field has implications for individual, business, and state cybersecurity.

One contributing factor to this gender disparity is the societal discouragement of girls pursuing STEM and technology studies. This bias limits opportunities for girls in education and future careers in security-related sectors. As a result, women remain underrepresented in defense, military, and intelligence, which are closely linked to cybersecurity.

To attract and retain women in cybersecurity, flexible working arrangements are crucial. Providing flexibility in work schedules and arrangements allows women to balance personal and professional responsibilities effectively. Creating inclusive and supportive company cultures that value and consider women’s opinions is also important. Men play an important role in achieving gender equality by mentoring and supporting women in their professional growth.

Further measures are needed to increase the representation of women in expert groups related to international security and ICT. Diverse representation in these groups is essential for comprehensive and inclusive decision-making processes.

Equipping women with technical, managerial, and leadership skills is important for their advancement in the cybersecurity sector. Networking and mentorship opportunities are significant for women’s career growth. Education plays a vital role in addressing gender inequality, and partnerships between industry and education facilities are key to providing quality education that prepares students, especially girls, for cybersecurity careers. Programs that educate children about responsible digital behavior and cybersecurity are fundamental for their safety online.

Collaboration between men and women is crucial for the growth and success of the cybersecurity field. Mixed teams have proven to be more innovative, and fostering inclusivity and equal opportunities will enhance creativity and problem-solving in the sector. Men have a role to play in achieving gender parity by embracing the benefits of gender equality.

While progress has been made in Saudi Arabia towards gender equality, continued efforts are needed to ensure sustained progress and an inclusive society for women.

In conclusion, addressing the underrepresentation of women in the cybersecurity sector requires a comprehensive approach. Encouraging girls to pursue STEM education, providing flexible working arrangements, valuing women’s opinions, and fostering mentorship opportunities are crucial steps towards achieving gender equality. Partnerships between industry and education facilities, as well as educating children about responsible digital behavior, are essential for the future of the cybersecurity field. Creating an inclusive and supportive environment where men and women can collaborate will drive innovation and enhance the effectiveness and security of the cybersecurity sector.

Betania Allo

Women in cybersecurity face numerous challenges, including gender bias, lack of representation, and unequal opportunities. Betania Allo, a successful cybersecurity professional, emphasized the need for mentoring and early education programs to encourage girls to explore this field. Inclusive hiring practices and anti-bias training are necessary for organizations to address the deficit of women in cybersecurity roles. Forums and platforms for dialogue are essential in advocating for gender equality and representation. Betania Allo’s positive experience working in Saudi Arabia demonstrates the importance of openness and trust in talent from all over the world. Representation of women in leadership roles is crucial for decision-making, and collaborative efforts between men and women are needed to advocate for gender equality. Mentorship plays a vital role in women’s career progression in cybersecurity. Women-led forums offer ideal platforms for conversations about representation. Highlighting the intersection of technology with other areas of expertise can attract more women and girls to the technology field. The biggest challenge for women in cybersecurity is overcoming the fear to enter the field. Empowerment and support are key in encouraging women to pursue careers in cybersecurity. Overall, addressing these challenges will lead to a more diverse and inclusive cybersecurity industry.


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