2019 European Community Networks Summit

14 Nov 2019 - 15 Nov 2019

Tbilisi, Georgia

The Internet Society (ISOC) is partnering with the Georgian Ministry of Economic and Sustainable Development to organise the European Community Networks Summit ‘Community Networks: Connecting the Next Billion’. ISOC partners with the private and public sector to bring connectivity to areas lacking in that infrastructure, through the development of community networks. The summit will take place in Tbilisi, Georgia on 14-15 November 2019.

The summit aims to bring together stakeholders and EU policymakers to address policy issues related to community networks. The summit will investigate three main issues: the technical aspects of community networks, including building and sustaining the networks; incentivising investments from the private and public sector into community networks; and the development and support of a proper regulatory environment, specifically in Europe.

For more information about the event, visit the dedicated page.
