Inaugural Small Island Developing States SIDS IGF in conjunction with the 18th Caribbean IGF and Youth CIGF Workshop
The inaugural Small Island Developing States SIDS IGF in conjunction with the 18th Caribbean IGF and Youth CIGF Workshop will be held as a virtual event, 24 – 26 August 2022. Registration will be available soon.
- Establish a platform and ongoing process where SIDS can become involved, can collaborate, cooperate, share experiences and have their voices heard re: issues arising from and impacts on their countries by IG, Internet Policy and the Digital Economy without necessarily having to “join” an entity (e.g. the DC-SIDS)
- Create a globally visible, recognised and reputable platform for engagement, discussion, cooperation, and collaboration and consensus-building (and even possible decision making) for SIDS Internet Governance, Internet Policy and Digital Economy issues.
- Highlight and seek solutions for the critical issues facing SIDS from the Caribbean, Pacific and AIMS in the Digital Economy
- Consider and identify appropriate initial governance, procedural and operational mechanisms for effectively addressing and achieving the desired objectives.