Inaugural Small Island Developing States SIDS IGF in conjunction with the 18th Caribbean IGF and Youth CIGF Workshop

24 Aug 2022 - 26 Aug 2022

The inaugural Small Island Developing States SIDS IGF in conjunction with the 18th Caribbean IGF and Youth CIGF Workshop will be held as a virtual event, 24 – 26 August 2022. Registration will be available soon.


  • Establish a platform and ongoing process where SIDS can become involved, can collaborate, cooperate, share experiences and have their voices heard re: issues arising from and impacts on their countries by IG, Internet Policy and the Digital Economy without necessarily having to “join” an entity (e.g. the DC-SIDS)
  • Create a globally visible, recognised and reputable platform for engagement, discussion, cooperation, and collaboration and consensus-building (and even possible decision making) for SIDS Internet Governance, Internet Policy and Digital Economy issues.
  • Highlight and seek solutions for the critical issues facing SIDS from the Caribbean, Pacific and AIMS in the Digital Economy
  • Consider and identify appropriate initial governance, procedural and operational mechanisms for effectively addressing and achieving the desired objectives.