108th Session of the International Labour Conference

10 Jun 2019 - 21 Jun 2019

Geneva, Switzerland

The 108th (centenary) session of the International Labour Conference will take place in Geneva, Switzerland between 10-21 June 2019.

The conference, which is often called an international parliament of labour, has several main tasks.

  • The crafting and adoption of international labour standards in the form of conventions and recommendations. 
  • Supervising the application of conventions and recommendations at the national level.
  • Representing a forum where social and labour questions of importance to the entire world are discussed. Delegates explore the course of social progress in the world, but the central theme is the report presented each year by the ILO’s Director-General. 
  • The conference also passes resolutions that provide guidelines for the ILO’s general policy and future activities.

The agenda of the 108th session of the International Labour Conference will cover thematic debates and events connected to the future of work, including various centenary initiatives.

For more information about the event, visit the dedicated webpage.
