Australian Cyber Security Strategy 2023-2030

Strategies and Action Plans

Australia’s Cyber Security Strategy 2023-2030 is a plan designed to address the complex and evolving cybersecurity landscape. By leveraging its strengths and seising strategic opportunities, Australia aims to protect its citizens, safeguard its digital economy, and establish itself as a global leader in cybersecurity by 2030.

Strategic Opportunities

While the threat landscape is daunting, it also presents significant opportunities for Australia. The global cybersecurity industry is expanding rapidly, offering potential for economic growth, job creation, and innovation. Australia is well-positioned to leverage its strengths in legislative reform, offensive cyber capabilities, and international partnerships to become a leader in cybersecurity.

Australia’s robust legislative frameworks, such as the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (SOCI Act), provide a solid foundation for enforcing new cybersecurity standards. The Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) and the Australian Federal Police (AFP) play critical roles in defending against and responding to cyber threats. The nation’s world-class research and education institutions, coupled with strong partnerships with regional neighbors and global allies, further enhance its capabilities.

Vision and Goals

The Australian Cyber Security Strategy 2023-2030 envisions a future where Australia is a world leader in cybersecurity, characterised by strong defenses, resilient infrastructure, and a thriving digital economy. The strategy outlines six key ‘cyber shields’ to achieve this vision:

  1. Strong Businesses and Citizens: Ensuring that citizens and businesses are protected from cyber threats and can recover quickly from cyber incidents.
  2. Safe Technology: Guaranteeing that digital products and services are secure and trustworthy.
  3. World-Class Threat Sharing and Blocking: Facilitating real-time threat data sharing and blocking capabilities.
  4. Protected Critical Infrastructure: Enhancing the resilience and security of critical infrastructure and essential government systems.
  5. Sovereign Capabilities: Developing a flourishing cyber industry supported by a diverse and professional workforce.
  6. Resilient Region and Global Leadership: Promoting cyber resilience in the region and upholding international cyber norms and standards.

Implementation and Collaboration

The strategy emphasises a phased approach to implementation, spanning from foundational efforts (2023-2025) to scaling cyber maturity (2026-2028) and advancing global leadership (2029-2030). Collaboration with industry, academia, and international partners is central to the strategy’s success. The government will work closely with business leaders and cyber experts to co-design legislative reforms, enhance threat intelligence sharing, and develop cutting-edge cyber capabilities.