Italian Strategy for Ultra-Broadband ‘Towards the Gigabit Society’

Strategies and Action Plans


The ‘Strategia Italiana per la Banda Ultralarga – Verso la Gigabit Society,’ approved on 25 May 2021, by the Interministerial Committee for Digital Transition (CITD), outlines the necessary actions to achieve the digital transformation objectives set by the European Commission. These objectives, part of the ‘Gigabit Society’ and ‘Digital Compass’ communications, aim for a fully digital Europe by 2030. The Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) dedicates 27% of its resources to digital transition, with 6.7 billion euros allocated to ultra-broadband projects. This strategy continues the efforts initiated by the government in 2015.


The strategy aims to bring ultra-broadband connectivity of 1 Gbit/s to the entire national territory by 2026, surpassing the European target set for 2030. The key focus areas include:

  1. Completion of the White Areas Plan: Covering regions with no market-driven broadband initiatives.
  2. Italia a 1 Giga Plan: Ensuring 1 Gbit/s connectivity for all.
  3. Italia 5G Plan: Expanding 5G coverage.
  4. Connected Schools Plan: Providing high-speed internet to all educational institutions.
  5. Connected Healthcare Plan: Enhancing digital infrastructure in healthcare facilities.
  6. Minor Islands Plan: Extending connectivity to minor islands.
  7. Voucher Plan: Supporting the demand for high-speed internet through subsidies.

Key Intervention Plans

  1. White Areas Plan
    • Objectives: Provide fast internet to market-failure areas covering 7,416 municipalities, with 74% FTTH (Fiber to the Home) and 26% FWA (Fixed Wireless Access).
    • Status: Initiated in 2015, with significant progress in deploying networks.
    • Timeline: Completion by 2023.
  2. Italia a 1 Giga Plan
    • Objectives: Deliver 1 Gbit/s download and 200 Mbit/s upload speeds in grey and black NGA (Next Generation Access) areas for 8.5 million units.
    • Status: Mapping and public consultations are ongoing to identify target areas.
    • Timeline: Full deployment by 2026.
  3. Italia 5G Plan
    • Objectives: Incentivise 5G network deployment in market-failure areas, covering European corridors and busy extra-urban roads.
    • Status: Initial steps include mapping and public consultations.
    • Timeline: Implementation from 2021 to 2026.
  4. Connected Schools Plan
    • Objectives: Complete the coverage of all school buildings with 1 Gbit/s connectivity, including 9,000 remaining schools.
    • Status: The first phase covers 35,000 schools; the second phase is to complete the rest.
    • Timeline: Full coverage by 2025.
  5. Connected Healthcare Plan
    • Objectives: Provide 1 Gbit/s connectivity to approximately 12,280 healthcare facilities.
    • Status: Mapping is completed, and the implementation phases are defined.
    • Timeline: Full deployment by 2025.
  6. Minor Islands Plan
    • Objectives: Connect 18 minor islands with fiber optic backhaul to enable high-speed internet.
    • Status: Public consultation and mapping completed.
    • Timeline: Full deployment by 2023.
  7. Voucher Plan
    • Objectives: Support families and small businesses in adopting high-speed internet services through financial incentives.
    • Status: The first phase for low-income families has been initiated; the second phase for broader adoption is planned.
    • Timeline: Ongoing.

Implementation and Monitoring The strategy emphasises transparency and coordination among various stakeholders, including central and local administrations, private operators, and regulatory authorities. The CITD, supported by a technical secretariat, will oversee the implementation and ensure efficient use of resources. Regular updates and public availability of progress data will ensure accountability and stakeholder engagement.