Digital Entrepreneurship in Brazil (ApexBrasil)

7 Dec 2023 18:00h - 19:00h UTC

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Full session report

Maria Rita Lana Padilla

The Agro-Briand project in Brazil has recently launched a new programme aimed at targeting food and beverage exports via e-commerce. This programme has gained impressive traction in a short span of two weeks, already enlisting the participation of nine companies. Notably, 20 of the participating companies are located in the north and northeast regions of Brazil.

The primary objective of this programme is to diversify trade and promote the export of value-added products, while also addressing social inequality. To achieve this, the programme focuses on supporting rural families and their local production reality. The aim is to provide small and medium farmers with opportunities to access international markets, thereby reducing social inequalities.

One of the key elements of the programme is an e-commerce platform designed to facilitate the selling and promotion of products. This platform offers a wide-ranging marketplace for farmers to showcase their goods, thereby increasing visibility and opportunities for small and medium farmers. It also allows them to share the story behind their products and highlight their sustainable practices, which could attract environmentally-conscious consumers.

Despite the challenges faced by Brazilian farmers in breaking into the export market, the programme argues that success is attainable through e-commerce. Brazilian farmers face logistical and regulatory barriers when trying to reach international markets. However, the programme believes that e-commerce provides a viable solution for these farmers to access international consumers and overcome these barriers. By leveraging the e-commerce platform, farmers can effectively reach a broader customer base and expand their export potential.

In conclusion, the new programme launched in Brazil under the Agro-Briand project aims to boost food and beverage exports through e-commerce. It aims to diversify trade, promote value-added product exports, and reduce social inequality by providing small and medium farmers with opportunities to access international markets. The e-commerce platform offered by the programme facilitates increased visibility for farmers and allows them to showcase their sustainable practices. Despite the challenges faced, the programme believes that success in exports is achievable for Brazilian farmers through e-commerce.

Felipe Daud

Alibaba, the largest B2B e-commerce platform in the world, is aiming to make it easier for Brazilian businesses to participate in global e-commerce. Brazil has always been a buyer country on, and Alibaba is striving to balance the trade balance by leveraging this potential. To support and train Brazilian entrepreneurs in navigating the global e-commerce landscape, Alibaba has formed a crucial partnership with APEX. This collaboration includes signing an MOU for capacity building and training, subsidising membership for selected companies, and maintaining regular monthly meetings.

The cooperation and integration of Brazilian businesses into cross-border e-commerce have resulted in significant achievements. Notably, a Brazilian cosmetics company has successfully sold products to the United Arab Emirates and Australia, while Yerba mate, a traditional Brazilian beverage, has found a market in the UK. Additionally, furniture from Brazil is being sold in Israel. These successes highlight the positive outcomes of embracing global trade opportunities and participating in the e-commerce market.

The Brazilian economy has substantial potential in the global e-commerce market, as evidenced by various success stories on In line with this potential, Alibaba has partnered with the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock and APEX to promote food and beverages through their platform. By leveraging as the main platform for these goods, the partnership aims to unlock new growth opportunities, support the Brazilian agricultural sector, and contribute to sustainable development goals related to zero hunger and decent work and economic growth.

There is excitement and optimism about the current and future outcomes of the partnership between Alibaba, APEX, and the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock. This positive sentiment is supported by the successful integration of Brazilian businesses into cross-border e-commerce and the potential for further growth in the global e-commerce market. The collaboration not only provides economic opportunities for Brazilian entrepreneurs but also aligns with sustainable development goals related to industry, innovation, infrastructure, and partnerships for sustainable development goals.

Karina Bazuchi

Apex Brazil, in collaboration with the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock, plays a crucial role in promoting Brazilian products and services abroad. Their primary initiative focuses on assisting Brazilian companies in exporting their goods through international e-commerce platforms. As part of this effort, Apex Brazil has formed a partnership with, a prominent B2B platform, to enhance Brazilian exports.

Karina Bazuchi, a representative of Apex Brazil, has highlighted the significance of international e-commerce for small businesses seeking to enter global markets. She emphasizes the use of digital tools to expand business operations. In addition to leveraging e-commerce platforms, Bazuchi also recognizes the value of utilizing their own websites and social networks. She acknowledges that e-commerce platforms not only offer comprehensive solutions for businesses aiming to reach new markets but also provide opportunities for companies to establish their online presence.

The partnership between Apex Brazil and the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock has proven to be successful. With the collaboration ongoing for over a year, they have worked with more than 80 companies in the current year alone. The evidence of their accomplishment is seen through the successful exports to various countries facilitated by this partnership.

Looking ahead, Apex Brazil and the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock are eager to continue their collaboration and expand into the domain of food and beverage export through e-commerce. A new project dedicated to this area is being launched. By leveraging digital platforms and international e-commerce, they aim to enhance the export capabilities of the Brazilian food and beverage industry, contributing to the goals of zero hunger and sustainable economic growth.

In conclusion, Apex Brazil, in partnership with the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock, is actively working towards promoting Brazilian products and services through international e-commerce. They recognize the importance of digital tools in business expansion and are committed to supporting small businesses in accessing international markets. With successful exports already achieved, they are now venturing into food and beverage export through e-commerce, further strengthening Brazil’s position in the global market.


Felipe Daud

Speech speed

143 words per minute

Speech length

708 words

Speech time

297 secs


Karina Bazuchi

Speech speed

117 words per minute

Speech length

480 words

Speech time

247 secs


Maria Rita Lana Padilla

Speech speed

137 words per minute

Speech length

681 words

Speech time

297 secs