Including the excluded: how can small and micro businesses be supported toward success in e-commerce? (ITC)

5 Dec 2023 09:00h - 10:00h UTC

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Full session report

Diego Chacon

Novica is an e-commerce platform that acts as a bridge between artisans and retail customers, connecting them directly. Its main objective is to provide artisans with a sustainable source of income, contributing to economic growth and cultural preservation. Novica supports artisans by assisting with logistics, customer service, and payments, allowing them to focus on producing high-quality products.

One key feature of Novica is the creation of individual profiles for each artisan, showcasing their name and personal story. This personal touch helps customers connect with the artisans on a deeper level and appreciate their work. Novica also provides comprehensive training to artisans, enhancing their skills and supporting their overall development. By offering these support services, Novica enables artisans to generate a consistent income, empowering them to train new artisans and establish workshops.

In addition to its economic impact, Novica is dedicated to preserving traditional art forms and cultural heritage. The platform encourages younger generations to keep these art forms alive by providing financial stability and recognition for their work. Novica also offers additional support in the form of training, projections, replenishment planning, and a microcredit program with zero interest for artisans to invest in their businesses. By taking this comprehensive approach, Novica helps artisans flourish and maintain their cultural identity.

Novica works with artisans from various countries, including Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Ghana, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Central Asia, India, Thailand, and Indonesia. With more than 3500 artisan profiles, the platform has a wide reach, and it aims to further expand its operations. Novica plans to develop new technologies and strategies to reach artisans in markets where it is currently not present, allowing more artisans to benefit from its services.

Access to digital markets and proficiency in digital tools have become crucial for artisans in the current market landscape. However, there is still a significant digital divide, with approximately 2.6 billion people lacking internet connectivity. Recognizing this, Novica provides artisans with access to its platform, enabling them to understand and leverage digital tools to showcase their products and reach a global customer base. Novica also recognizes the importance of smartphones, which have become indispensable tools for many artisans.

Artificial intelligence (AI) offers further opportunities for artisans to enhance their business operations. AI can assist artisans in product descriptions, SEO optimization, and translations. By utilizing AI, artisans can reduce the need to hire professional copywriters or translators, saving time and cost. Additionally, AI streamlines product listing and editing processes, making them more efficient.

In conclusion, Novica serves as a vital connection between artisans and retail customers, empowering artisans to thrive in a dynamic market environment. The platform’s comprehensive support and infrastructure enable artisans to focus on their craft, while Novica handles various business aspects. Through its global reach and commitment to cultural preservation, Novica contributes to economic growth and uplifts artisans from diverse backgrounds. Novica recognizes the significance of digital access and AI, providing opportunities for artisans to leverage these tools for their success. Overall, Novica plays a crucial role in empowering artisans and preserving cultural heritage in the ever-evolving digital marketplace.

Elisha Bwatuti

The Kenya Small Business Development Centres (SBDC), managed by Elisha, have been established to provide comprehensive support to small businesses, with a particular focus on remote areas of the country. These centres offer high-quality business development assistance and have a welcoming open-door policy for businesses seeking help. The collaboration with county governments further strengthens the resources and impact of the SBDC.

To adapt to the changing business landscape, Elisha supports the idea of enhancing businesses’ access to e-commerce. Starting from 2024, the SBDC will offer e-commerce support to businesses, recognizing the potential of this digital platform to boost business growth and market reach. Elisha’s belief is supported by the fact that they have already facilitated several innovations in the realm of e-commerce, helping businesses tap into the potential of online marketplaces. By equipping businesses with the knowledge and skills required to succeed in the digital space, the SBDC aims to create opportunities for businesses in remote regions.

A remarkable example of this is a business in Isiolo County, a remote area of Kenya, which has developed an e-commerce platform for livestock. Through this platform, the business is able to sell livestock to traders across the country, highlighting the significant market access e-commerce can bring to remote regions.

In addition to supporting e-commerce initiatives, Elisha has embraced the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance the efficiency and accessibility of business support. They have developed a chatbot platform that is available on social media channels to answer business-related inquiries. This innovation is expected to alleviate some of the workload of the SBDC advisers and provide quick access to business information for remote businesses. The utilization of AI technology in this manner helps bridge the digital gap and reduces inequalities in accessing critical business information.

The chatbot platform is nearing completion and is set to be launched by the end of the year. Clients will be able to consult the chatbot for basic business advice before seeking professional consultation, providing them with a valuable initial resource to aid decision-making and business planning.

In conclusion, the Kenya SBDC, under the management of Elisha, is dedicated to supporting small businesses in remote areas. Their focus on e-commerce, as well as the development of an AI chatbot platform, demonstrates their commitment to leveraging technology for business growth and inclusivity. By providing high-quality support and facilitating innovations, the SBDC aims to foster economic development, reduce inequalities, and strengthen the overall business landscape in Kenya.

Annabel Sykes

According to the data, there is still a significant portion of the global population that remains unconnected to the internet. In 2023, it is estimated that 2.6 billion people will be offline, which is a slight decrease from the previous year. However, this still means that approximately 33% of the world’s population is not connected to the internet. This lack of connectivity has wide-ranging implications for individuals and communities in terms of access to information, opportunities, and socio-economic development.

One of the factors contributing to the digital divide is the varying level of digital maturity among different countries. Some countries have made significant progress in digital transformation, while others lag behind. This disparity can create barriers to successful internet utilization, as individuals in less digitally advanced countries may lack the necessary infrastructure, resources, and skills to effectively use the internet.

Furthermore, access cost and knowledge gaps are significant challenges that hinder internet utilization. Some people only have access to the internet through mobile devices, but the high cost of data plans makes it unaffordable for them to fully utilize online resources. Additionally, there is a knowledge gap, particularly among marginalized communities, which prevents them from effectively leveraging the internet for education, job opportunities, and economic growth.

However, it is important to note that access to the online market can be facilitated through the use of digital tools and the acquisition of digital skills. Underserved communities, especially, can benefit significantly from greater awareness of these tools, the development of digital skills, and the facilitation of online market access. This can open up new economic opportunities and bridge the gap between those who may be left behind in traditional market spaces.

Efforts are needed to reduce the digital divide, particularly in remote communities and areas without adequate learning facilities. Initiatives and collaborations between organizations and stakeholders can play a crucial role in bridging this divide and expanding support outreach. By working together and pooling resources, it becomes possible to provide internet access and digital training to those who need it most.

The increasing role of technology and digital solutions is generally seen as positive. These advancements are making things simpler, more inclusive, and expanding the reach towards remote and underserved areas. For example, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in developing chatbot platforms has been recognized as a way to help clients access information and services. Global public tools are also being developed to provide necessary information related to export markets, licensing, and demand, thus facilitating trade and economic growth.

There is also a need to address the digital skills gap and bridge the divide between the global north and south. Basic digital skills need to be brought to the market to empower artisans and entrepreneurs, thus expanding the ecosystem and creating more opportunities for economic growth. Additionally, continual support and collaboration among different initiatives are crucial to maximize impact and ensure that progress is sustained.

In conclusion, while the future is undoubtedly digital, there are still significant challenges to overcome in terms of internet connectivity and utilization. Efforts should be made to reduce the digital divide, improve access, provide digital training, and bridge knowledge gaps. Collaborations and partnerships play a crucial role in achieving these goals and expanding support outreach. By harnessing technology and digital solutions, it is possible to empower individuals, communities, and businesses and create a more inclusive and connected world.

Ann-Kathrin Zotz

The White Label Project is an innovative platform aiming to support and elevate local businesses by providing them with a global platform to showcase and sell their products. The project focuses on cultural appreciation rather than appropriation and aims to change the perception of products from countries famous for their artisan crafts to high-quality design products.

Ann-Kathrin Zotz, a key figure in the White Label Project, believes in the democratization of fashion and design. She recognizes the significance of inclusion and aims to give recognition to women heavily involved in the handicraft sector. Moreover, Zotz strives to highlight design hubs from countries typically associated with artisan work, challenging traditional narratives in the industry.

The platform collaborates with brands to curate a unique and specialized offering. By partnering with these brands, the White Label Project not only facilitates sales but also assists in building their value and narratives on a global scale. This approach creates a more inclusive and diverse fashion industry, enabling brands to enter new markets and reach a wider audience.

While the e-commerce market sees a surge in small initiatives, consolidation is necessary to create momentum and establish go-to places for customers. Currently, there is no sustainable equivalent of Amazon, highlighting the potential for growth and innovation in this sector.

To navigate the growth in the e-commerce market, businesses should prepare for market diversification. It is crucial for companies to understand the direction of the trend and be capable of adding any marketplace. By diversifying, businesses can adapt to changing consumer preferences and stay competitive in this rapidly evolving industry.

In conclusion, the White Label Project is an inspiring platform that supports local businesses, promotes cultural appreciation, and aims to create a more inclusive and diverse fashion industry. With the growing e-commerce market, consolidation and market diversification are essential for businesses to thrive and navigate the challenges and opportunities in this industry.

Vanessa Arelle

Buffalo Grid has developed StreamSpot Plus, an innovative solution designed to bridge the digital divide and support digitally excluded communities. This portable content delivery system is specifically designed to operate in challenging environments with limited reception or mains power. Its power agnostic feature allows it to function effectively in remote areas with minimal infrastructure.

StreamSpot Plus allows users to download content directly from the unit, eliminating data costs and making it accessible to individuals with unreliable internet connectivity. The available content covers various topics, including e-commerce skills, farming tips, and health advice, providing users with valuable knowledge and resources to enhance their lives and livelihoods.

The system’s impact on economic empowerment is significant. By facilitating skills development, StreamSpot Plus enables individuals to enter the digital world and boost micro-businesses. An inspiring example is a woman in Zambia who used StreamSpot Plus to learn efficient tomato farming techniques and now successfully sells her own produce. This showcases how the system empowers individuals and helps them create sustainable sources of income.

Collaboration and partnerships are key drivers of change and impact. Buffalo Grid’s Vanessa Arelle recognizes the importance of collaboration, believing in the strength in numbers. There is great potential for StreamSpot Plus to collaborate with other projects, expanding its reach and effectiveness.

In conclusion, Buffalo Grid’s StreamSpot Plus is an innovative solution that addresses the digital divide and supports digitally excluded communities. Its power agnostic design, accessible content, and focus on economic empowerment make it a valuable tool for individuals and communities. Collaboration and partnerships play a crucial role in achieving widespread impact, further enhancing StreamSpot Plus’ potential for positive change.


Ann-Kathrin Zotz

Speech speed

167 words per minute

Speech length

1530 words

Speech time

550 secs


Annabel Sykes

Speech speed

154 words per minute

Speech length

3040 words

Speech time

1185 secs


Diego Chacon

Speech speed

164 words per minute

Speech length

2611 words

Speech time

955 secs


Elisha Bwatuti

Speech speed

159 words per minute

Speech length

1172 words

Speech time

442 secs


Vanessa Arelle

Speech speed

184 words per minute

Speech length

563 words

Speech time

183 secs