Singapore International Cyber Week 2018

18 Sep 2018 - 20 Sep 2018


The Singapore International Cyber Week (SICW), organised by the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore, represents a platform for discussion, networking, building strategies and forming partnerships in the cybersecurity space. Furthermore, the event’s focus is on international and regional cooperation, cyber ecosystem development, and ever-evolving innovation.

The SICW will take place on 18-20 September 2018. This year’s theme is ‘Forging a Trusted and Open Cyberspace’, reflecting the importance of trust and openness in cyberspace, given the fast-evolving and complex cybersecurity landscape. Some events of the SICW 2018 include the ASEAN Ministerial Conference on Cybersecurity, ASEAN Cybercrime Prosecutors’ Roundtable Meeting, and the GovernmentWare (GovWare) among others.

For more information about the event, visit the dedicated webpage.
