12 Oct 2023 08:30h - 09:30h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators


  • Cedric Thomas Frolick
  • Daisaku Kadokawa
  • Dennis Francis
  • Junhua Li
  • Koichi Watanabe
  • Mahesh Kasar
  • Mori Seihan
  • Rodney Taylor
  • Sylvia Cadena
  • Terezinha Alives Brito

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report

Rodney Taylor

During the analysis, several important points from the speakers were highlighted. One speaker was commended for leading a multi-stakeholder process that resulted in Barbados hosting its first national Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in 2017. This achievement demonstrates the speaker’s local contributions to internet governance, an accomplishment that the analysis acknowledged positively.

The Caribbean IGF was also brought into focus, with its production of a policy framework aimed at guiding member states on matters related to internet policy. This framework is seen as a valuable tool in shaping and informing policy decisions in the region. The analysis expressed enthusiasm for the positive impact this development could have on internet governance in the Caribbean.

Furthermore, an emphasis was placed on the importance of involving multiple perspectives and experts when addressing global challenges, particularly in the field of internet governance. The analysis appreciates the recognition of this importance and the call for a wide range of perspectives and expertise to be incorporated in the development of solutions for global challenges.

The Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) was highlighted as an organization that champions the voice of small island developing states in the realms of digital governance and diplomacy. The analysis commends the CTU’s efforts to strengthen collaboration and amplify the voices of these states in the digital governance landscape. This recognition exhibits a positive sentiment towards the CTU’s work.

Additionally, the analysis revealed the need for greater support for National and Regional Internet Governance Forums (NRIs), as participation in the multi-stakeholder process still requires significant resources. The importance of addressing this issue was stressed, as it would help ensure a more inclusive and diverse representation within internet governance discussions and decision-making processes.

Lastly, the Japanese government and their hospitality were acknowledged and appreciated. One speaker expressed gratitude for the support received from the Japanese International Cooperation Agency during their visit to Japan. This observation highlights the positive reception and assistance provided by the Japanese government to individuals engaging in discussions on internet governance.

In conclusion, the analysis sheds light on several key points from the speakers. From the establishment of Barbados’ first national IGF to the production of a policy framework by the Caribbean IGF, these developments demonstrate progress in internet governance within the region. The importance of diverse perspectives and expert involvement in addressing global challenges was also emphasized, along with the CTU’s efforts to champion the voice of small island developing states. Furthermore, the analysis underscored the need for greater support for NRIs and recognized the hospitality of the Japanese government.

Cedric Thomas Frolick

The analysis consists of three different viewpoints on various aspects related to technology and governance.

The first viewpoint emphasizes the importance of international guidelines and codes of conduct for developers of advanced artificial intelligence systems. It raises concerns about the divide in digital governance between the G7 countries and the rest of the world. The argument put forward is that there is a need for broader participation from countries of the G7 and BRICS in the discussions. This approach recognizes that collaboration and inclusivity are vital to avoid creating further disparities in the digital realm.

The second viewpoint highlights the role of parliaments in shaping digital trust for the Internet. It asserts that parliamentarians have the responsibility to create laws that protect national interests and citizens from possible abuses that can occur through the use of technology. It further emphasizes the significance of finding a balance between regulating the use and impact of technology while still promoting its benefits. This perspective recognizes the need for comprehensive regulation that safeguards individual privacy and ensures the ethical implementation of technology.

The third viewpoint focuses on the positive potential of artificial intelligence. It notes that AI can play a crucial role in various areas such as forecasting climate change-induced natural disasters, advancing universal healthcare, promoting gender mainstreaming, and enhancing digital literacy. It also highlights the argument that while AI is not the greatest existential threat to humanity, climate change poses a far greater risk. This viewpoint underscores the immense possibilities that AI offers in solving global challenges and underlines the urgency of addressing climate change.

From this analysis, it is apparent that there is a growing recognition of the need for international collaboration, comprehensive regulation, and the ethical implementation of technology. The viewpoints also showcase the potential benefits of AI in addressing pressing global issues. Furthermore, the analysis raises awareness of the increasing importance of digital governance and the role of parliaments in shaping the use of technology.

Overall, the analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of the various viewpoints on digital governance, the role of parliaments, and the positive potential of AI. It highlights the significance of collaboration, regulation, and ethical considerations in maximizing the benefits of technology while ensuring its responsible deployment.

Mori Seihan

The word ‘Kizuna’ carries significant meaning as it represents the strong connections forged among individuals in the aftermath of the devastating 2011 earthquake in Japan. This word gained prominence when it was selected as the kanji of the year in 2011. It signifies the transition of bonds from personal ties to global connections, reflecting the resilience and unity of the Japanese people during a difficult time. The concept of ‘Kizuna’ aligns with the objective of SDG 10, which aims to reduce inequality and ensure inclusion for all in creating a better future.

The Internet is considered a powerful tool that can further strengthen these global bonds. At the Internet Governance Forum conference, the main theme was “Internet to empower all people.” This emphasizes the belief that access to the Internet can bridge gaps and promote inclusivity. The Internet has become one of the vital bonds that support individuals in their daily lives, enabling connectivity and fostering opportunities for collaboration and partnerships. The speakers at the conference express a positive sentiment towards the Internet, highlighting its potential to contribute to the achievement of SDG 9, which focuses on infrastructure and industrialization, as well as SDG 17, which emphasizes partnerships for the goals.

The head priest of Kiyomizu Temple shares a similar outlook, expressing hope for the Internet’s further development and its role as a means of support in people’s lives. The Internet can serve as a valuable tool for addressing various challenges and promoting innovation and progress. The theme of the Internet Governance Forum Kyoto 2023 further underscores the importance of the Internet in empowering individuals and enabling equal opportunities for all.

Overall, the analysis of the provided information highlights the positive and optimistic perspective shared by the speakers regarding the role of connections and the Internet in building global bonds and reducing inequality. The concept of ‘Kizuna’ serves as a reminder of the resilience and unity exhibited by individuals, while the Internet emerges as a transformative force that has the potential to empower people from all walks of life.

Terezinha Alives Brito

Ms. Brito’s speeches highlight several important points regarding internet governance. Firstly, she emphasises the significance and value of youth initiatives. Specifically, she mentions her participation in a youth program organised by the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee, which provided her with the opportunity to attend the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). This demonstrates the importance of supporting and empowering young individuals in the internet governance space.

Secondly, Brito brings attention to the lack of diversity among internet governance stakeholders. She expresses her concern about the insufficient representation of various backgrounds, including gender, race, social class, origin, culture, and age. Brito argues that achieving a more diverse representation is crucial for ensuring fair and inclusive decision-making processes in internet governance.

Another critical aspect discussed by Brito is the urgent need to address climate change for a free, open, and inclusive internet. She underlines how climate change directly impacts vulnerable communities, particularly children and youth in the Global South. Brito highlights major disasters occurring in Brazil due to incisional storms and droughts, which further reinforces the importance of addressing climate change in the context of internet governance.

Furthermore, Brito draws attention to the digital divide, stating that around 2 billion people, mostly from the Global South, still lack access to the internet or meaningful connectivity. She calls upon states and the global governance community to take action and address this issue, as bridging the digital divide is essential for promoting equal opportunities and reducing inequalities.

Lastly, Brito emphasises the significance of youth participation in shaping the internet they desire. She argues that young people should be actively involved in decision-making processes related to internet governance. By including the perspectives and interests of the youth, a more inclusive and representative internet can be created.

In conclusion, Ms. Brito’s speeches bring attention to various important aspects of internet governance. She highlights the value of youth initiatives, the need for diversity among stakeholders, the urgency of addressing climate change, the importance of bridging the digital divide, and the significance of youth participation. Her arguments and evidence support the assertion that a more inclusive, fair, and sustainable internet is crucial for the advancement of society.

Junhua Li

The 18th Internet Governance Forum (IGF) successfully concluded with an impressive turnout of over 8,500 participants from 175 countries. This global event brought together ministers, parliamentarians, chief executives, and stakeholders from various sectors.

One of the key topics discussed during the forum was the relevance and effectiveness of the IGF in achieving its aims and objectives. Participants explored the IGF’s delivery, the internet’s support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the IGF’s role in supporting the Global Digital Compact and the Summit of the Future. Feedback received expressed confidence in the IGF’s ability to deliver on its commitments and contribute to the SDGs.

An important aspect of the forum was the emphasis on turning the outcomes into actionable steps. Stakeholders were encouraged to take proactive measures within their respective constituencies, governments, communities, and institutions. This underscores the IGF’s commitment to making a practical impact on internet governance and digital development.

It is important to note that the success of the IGF extended beyond the physical gathering, with the participation of over 160 national, regional, and youth IGF initiatives, as well as 35 IGF remote hubs, allowing additional participants to contribute online.

Furthermore, the IGF expressed gratitude and appreciation to the Government of Japan for hosting the event and its generous hospitality. The host country played a vital role in ensuring the smooth execution of the forum.

In conclusion, the 18th Internet Governance Forum was a resounding success, bringing together a global audience and fostering meaningful discussions on internet governance. With a focus on delivery, support for the SDGs, and a call to translate outcomes into actions, the IGF demonstrated its ongoing relevance and effectiveness. The positive sentiment, significant number of participants, and acknowledgment of the host country highlight the importance and impact of this global platform.

Koichi Watanabe

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Kyoto was a significant event attended by 8,000 stakeholders, both offline and online. Koichi Watanabe expressed his gratitude for the successful organization and hard work that went into making the IGF Kyoto a success, specifically thanking the United Nations, national and regional IGFs, the city of Kyoto, the Japanese government, and other governments, international organizations, companies, engineers and academic communities, civil societies, and students.

The IGF Kyoto comprised 300 sessions, covering a broad range of topics, including generative AI. These sessions showcased the diversity of stakeholders and the breadth of topics discussed at the IGF. The diversity of participants and the range of discussions make the IGF a unique platform, fostering meaningful exchanges on internet governance and related issues.

Koichi Watanabe emphasized the essential role of the Internet in daily life, acknowledging its constant evolution and influence on society. The IGF plays a crucial role in shaping the future of the internet, ensuring its resilience, sustainability, and innovation.

Watanabe expressed his hopes that the IGF Kyoto would not only inspire participants but also create lasting relationships. Networking and building collaborations are essential for driving forward internet governance globally, and the IGF aims to foster these connections.

In conclusion, Watanabe conveyed his confidence in the IGF as a leading global platform for future discussions on internet-related matters. The IGF Kyoto provided a gathering of diverse stakeholders, facilitating discussions on various topics, including generative AI. This event reaffirmed the importance of the Internet as a fundamental infrastructure and highlighted the IGF’s role in shaping its future. With its emphasis on inspiration and relationship-building, the IGF Kyoto aimed to create a lasting impact on its participants. Together, these factors position the IGF as a significant global forum for addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Government of Saudi Arabia on IGF 2024

The analysis highlights Saudi Arabia’s strong emphasis on the importance of the Internet in facilitating communication and fostering creativity. The Internet is seen as a vast communication space that offers endless opportunities for individuals to explore their creative ideas, find inspiration, and satisfy their curiosity for learning. This portrayal of the Internet as a vital tool for communication and creativity aligns with Saudi Arabia’s commitment to SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.

Additionally, Saudi Arabia warmly welcomes the world to the Internet Governance Forum, which will be hosted in Riyadh in 2024. This gesture demonstrates the country’s dedication to fostering global partnerships and collaboration. By hosting this influential forum, Saudi Arabia seeks to create a platform for discussions and solutions to the challenges and opportunities that arise in the realm of Internet governance. This commitment aligns with SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals, highlighting Saudi Arabia’s efforts to promote global cooperation in achieving sustainable development.

Moreover, Saudi Arabia views the Internet as a transformative tool with the potential to inspire hope and drive dreams of a more promising future. The country envisions a future where individuals can leverage their creative energy and turn their visionary ideas into tangible realities. This perception aligns with the empowering nature of the Internet, which can enable personal and societal empowerment, drive innovation, and advance progress.

In summary, the analysis underscores Saudi Arabia’s recognition of the Internet’s significance in communication and fostering creativity. By hosting the Internet Governance Forum in 2024, Saudi Arabia showcases its commitment to global partnerships and collaboration. The country sees the Internet as a powerful tool for shaping an empowering future, where creative energy can be harnessed to bring about positive change. This analysis provides valuable insights into Saudi Arabia’s strategic vision and its alignment with the goals of sustainable development.

Sylvia Cadena

During the analysis, several key points about Internet governance were made. One of these points was the appreciation expressed by Sylvia Cadena towards the government of Japan and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications for their efforts in Internet governance discussions. This sentiment was positive, indicating that Cadena viewed their contributions favourably.

Another important point made was regarding the role of the technical community in the development of the single interoperable Internet. The technical community, according to the analysis, is responsible for stewarding Internet number resources, protocol development, unique identifier management, core infrastructure components, and other important aspects. This neutral point highlighted the significance of the technical community’s involvement in creating a cohesive online environment.

The analysis also called for more proactive engagement of the technical community in Internet governance. By emphasizing this need, it suggested that increased involvement from the technical community would be beneficial for addressing key issues and ensuring the smooth functioning of the Internet. The supporting evidence for this argument was the recommendation made during the Scoping Civil Society Engagement in Digital Cooperation session, which took place during the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). The session recommended engaging the technical community in Internet governance, further reinforcing the importance of their participation.

Furthermore, the efforts of three organisations in developing Internet exchange points in Myanmar, Pakistan, and Malaysia were acknowledged and appreciated. The analysis stated that the Internet Governance Forum provided an ideal platform to recognize and commend the exceptional work of these organizations. The sentiment associated with this point was positive, indicating that the efforts made by these organizations were highly regarded.

In addition to these main points, the analysis also noted the involvement of a speaker in the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) processes for almost two decades. This long-standing commitment to the IGF was appreciated, suggesting that the speaker had made significant contributions to the discussions and initiatives related to Internet governance. This positive sentiment demonstrated the value placed on the speaker’s participation and expertise.

Overall, the analysis highlighted the importance of collaboration and engagement in Internet governance. The role of governments, technical communities, and organizations in promoting a secure and unified Internet ecosystem was recognized. The positive sentiment expressed throughout the analysis indicated a collective appreciation of the efforts made by various stakeholders in advancing Internet governance.

Daisaku Kadokawa

Kyoto, a city renowned for its rich history and cultural heritage, takes great pride in hosting the Internet Governance Forum. This forum serves as a crucial policy platform where discussions on topics such as cybersecurity and emerging technologies take place. It exemplifies Kyoto’s commitment to global partnerships for the goals, as highlighted by the related Sustainable Development Goal 17.

Kyoto’s main attributes include its captivating history and culture, which greatly contribute to its unique identity. Having served as Japan’s capital for over 1,000 years, Kyoto preserves a vibrant traditional landscape that showcases its historical significance. The relocation of the Agency for Cultural Affairs from Tokyo to Kyoto further reaffirms the city’s strong cultural influence and commitment to sustainable development, aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 11.

Notably, Kyoto stands out as a hub of innovation and manufacturing. The city takes pride in its thriving ceramic industry, which has prospered for over a millennium. Additionally, Kyoto’s printing technology plays a significant role in supporting semiconductor manufacturing. As an interesting anecdote, Nintendo, a renowned company, originated as a card-making business in Kyoto. These achievements demonstrate Kyoto’s contribution to Sustainable Development Goal 9, which focuses on industry, innovation, and infrastructure.

Furthermore, Kyoto is home to a large student population, with over 10% of its residents being students. The city boasts an impressive array of 36 universities and colleges, making it a desirable destination for education. It also actively attracts numerous overseas students. This highlights Kyoto’s commitment to providing quality education, in line with Sustainable Development Goal 4.

An interesting perspective is provided in the argument that technology should enhance Kyoto’s charm and uniqueness, rather than replace it. Maintaining the city’s cultural heritage and traditional values while incorporating internet technology in product-making and manufacturing is a delicate balancing act. This approach aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 11, which emphasizes sustainable cities and communities.

In conclusion, Kyoto’s pride in hosting the Internet Governance Forum showcases its commitment to global collaboration on important policy matters. The city’s historical significance, vibrant culture, innovation and manufacturing prowess, and thriving student community make it a well-rounded hub of activity. Kyoto’s emphasis on incorporating technology while preserving its inherent charm and uniqueness demonstrates a progressive approach towards sustainable development.

Mahesh Kasar

The United Nations recognises the Internet as a key tool for promoting human rights, specifically enabling individuals to exercise their right to freedom of expression and opinion. However, it is concerning that billions of people, including a significant number of children, still lack access to this essential resource. The absence of Internet access not only hampers individual development but also has a significant impact on entire communities and societies.

Rakuten Symphony is taking a proactive stance in advocating for the democratisation of the global telecom industry to make Internet access more accessible to all. They have been persistent in this mission since the launch of Rakuten Mobile. One of the ways Rakuten Symphony aims to achieve this is through their innovative open RAN technology, which is the world’s first fully virtualised open RAN technology. This technology empowers them to drive change and innovation within the telecommunications industry, making it more open and inclusive.

The evidence suggests a pressing need to expand Internet accessibility. The United Nations’ recognition of the importance of the Internet for the exercise of human rights reinforces this urgency. Furthermore, the fact that billions of people around the world, including children, still lack internet access highlights the severity of the issue. This lack of access not only hampers individual development but also inhibits progress on a larger scale, impeding the advancement of the human race as a whole.

Rakuten Symphony’s advocacy for the democratisation of the global telecom industry is commendable. By championing open RAN technology, they are driving positive change and innovation within the telecommunications sector. The adoption of this technology has the potential to increase Internet accessibility and inclusivity.

In conclusion, Internet access should be considered a fundamental right, and steps need to be taken to bridge the accessibility gap. Rakuten Symphony’s efforts, along with their revolutionary open RAN technology, play a significant role in addressing this issue and enabling more individuals to access the Internet, promoting personal growth and societal progress.

Dennis Francis

The analysis highlights several significant points regarding the role of technology in society. It acknowledges that technology can bring both positive impacts and potential harm, underscoring the need to critically assess and navigate the challenges that come with technological advancements. While technology is undoubtedly a force for good and progress, it is crucial to acknowledge its potential to cause devastating harm.

The analysis raises a key concern about the increasing digital divide, particularly for women in middle- and low-income countries who lack access to mobile internet. It highlights that approximately 1.1 billion women in these countries do not have access to mobile internet. This disparity in access to technology accentuates the need to bridge the digital divide and ensure that everyone can benefit from technological advancements. The analysis argues that closing this divide and establishing necessary safeguards should be a priority for society.

Another point of concern is the spread of misinformation, disinformation, and egregious falsehoods online, which can fuel conflicts. The analysis supports the need for internet regulation to address this issue and prevent the rapid dissemination of false information. This emphasizes the importance of establishing measures to combat the negative impact of online misinformation and promote the dissemination of accurate information.

The analysis also recognizes the potential contribution of a Digital Compact to the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. The Digital Compact is seen as an initiative that addresses essential aspects of digital cooperation, including artificial intelligence, technology transfer, and a human rights perspective on new technologies. Its potential in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals is acknowledged, indicating that it could significantly contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda.

Furthermore, the analysis highlights the need for a thorough overhaul of data governance and the promotion of data literacy among users and decision-makers. It recognizes that achieving ambitions in the digital age requires a fundamental transformation and improvement in how data is governed. It stresses the importance of equipping individuals with data literacy skills to ensure they can make informed decisions, and decision-makers who can navigate the complexities of data-driven technologies effectively.

Overall, the analysis underscores the importance of carefully navigating the opportunities and challenges presented by technology in society. It emphasizes the need for efforts to bridge the digital divide, establish regulatory frameworks, address misinformation, and improve data governance and literacy. These measures are seen as essential to ensure that technology can be harnessed as a powerful tool for societal progress and sustainable development.


The 18th annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) concluded with a positive closing ceremony, highlighting several important discussions and events that took place during the forum. The ceremony featured a calligraphy performance and lecture by Mori Seihan, the head priest of Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto. Seihan is well-known for his skill in writing a single kanji representing the year in the Kanji of the Year contest.

The forum emphasised the significance of the internet as a tool for empowerment, with discussions centred around topics such as cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI). The participants recognised the rapid evolution of the internet landscape and the importance of keeping up with emerging technologies, particularly the growing influence of generative AI. This neutral sentiment was expressed by Watanabe, who highlighted the evolving pace of internet infrastructure.

The forum also emphasised the global significance of the term ‘Kizuna,’ which signifies connections between people. Originally used extensively during the relief efforts for the 2011 East Japan Earthquake, ‘Kizuna’ was chosen as the kanji of the year in 2011. The term now carries worldwide significance, demonstrating the bond that the internet creates between people globally.

Diversity in internet governance was another important topic discussed. The forum stressed the need for different perspectives and the involvement of various stakeholders to ensure a more inclusive and comprehensive decision-making process. Additionally, the forum explored the theme of internet accessibility, acknowledging that there are still billions of people around the world who lack internet access or meaningful connectivity. The participants recognised the need to address this issue in order to bridge the digital divide and reduce inequalities.

The forum also lauded the IGF as a world-leading platform for discussion, with more than 8,000 stakeholders participating in about 300 sessions over the course of five days. The moderator warmly welcomed Mori Seihan to the stage and expressed excitement for his performance, wherein Seihan wrote a single kanji representing IGF Kyoto 2023. Watanabe expressed gratitude to all stakeholders who participated in IGF Kyoto and shared his belief in the continuous relevance of the IGF.

Aside from the technical discussions, the forum also appreciated the cultural and historical significance of Kyoto. Kyoto is renowned for its rich Japanese culture, traditions, and contributions in various fields. Notably, Kyoto’s longstanding contributions to innovation and product making, such as ceramic making and printing technology used in the manufacturing of semiconductors and high-tech devices, were acknowledged. The city’s role in the development of biotechnology through sake liquor manufacturing was also recognised. Kyoto was described as a city of students with a significant population of local and overseas students, emphasising its commitment to quality education and educational opportunities.

The forum also highlighted Kyoto’s appeal as a tourist destination, with its unique charm attracting visitors from around the world. The participants acknowledged that every visit to Kyoto offers a new discovery and encouraged all participants to enjoy the city’s beauty and experience Japanese culture during their stay.

Overall, the expanded summary accurately reflects the positive sentiment of the closing ceremony, highlighting the forum’s focus on the empowerment of all people through the internet, while recognising the importance of diversity, accessibility, and innovation in internet governance. The forum concluded with the affirmation of the IGF’s continuous relevance as a world-leading platform for discussion and its commitment to promoting Japanese culture and traditions.




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