2nd Annual SEEDIG Meeting

Belgrade, Serbia

[Update] DiploFoundation will present the GIP Digital Watch observatory during the SEEDIG meeting.

The second annual meeting of the South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance (SEEDIG) will take place on 22 April 2016, in Belgrade, Serbia. It will be hosted by the Serbian National Internet Domain Registry (RNIDS) and supported by the Council of Europe, DiploFoundation, European Commission, EuroDIG, ICANN, IGF, and the Internet Society.

The Serbian Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications will act as local institutional partner.

The overarching theme of the meeting is ‘Can we SEE Internet governance?’. Discussions will be held on issues such as: the Internet governance ecosystem in South Eastern Europe, the digital divide and digital literacy, cybersecurity, and digital civil rights. Short presentations will also be made on specific Internet governance topics: Internet governance mapping and observatory initiatives; promoting digital rights with online media: good practice; network neutrality; virtual currencies (bitcoin), etc. View the programme, and join in situ or remotely.

SEEDIG is a sub-regional IGF initiative dedicated to open, inclusive and informal discussions on Internet governance that are of particular interest to stakeholders from South Eastern Europe and the neighbouring area. SEEDIG annual meetings are organised in a bottom-up, inclusive and transparent manner, by a multistakeholder group of individuals from SEE and the neighbouring area, with support from various entities from beyond the region.

As a multistakeholder, open and inclusive forum, SEEDIG welcomes individuals and entities from all stakeholder groups (governments, intergovernmental organisations, civil society, private sector, technical community), particularly from, but not limited to, countries in South Eastern Europe and the neighbouring area. 

Visit the initiative’s website for more information.
