Defence against the DarkWeb Arts: Youth Perspective | IGF 2023 WS #72

10 Oct 2023 00:45h - 01:45h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Betelehem Samuel, Technical Community, African Group
  • Izaan Khan, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
  • Pedro de Perdigão Lana, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
  • ABRAHAM SELBY, Technical Community, African Group
  • Man Hei Connie Siu, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
  • MiloÅ¡ Jovanović, President of OpenLink
  • Pavel Zoneff
  • Alina Ustinova, Civil Society, Eastern European Group

Table of contents

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Session report


The dark web and internet have various purposes beyond criminal activities, making them tools rather than the enemy. Machine learning, AI, improved encryption, blockchain, and advanced data analysis can assist in combating dark web crimes. Focus should be on technology and software companies rather than user identification. Mitigating the abuse of power in the fight against crime involves forming specialized cybercrime agencies and collaborating with academia. Mandatory cybersecurity education is necessary for all involved in handling data. Whistleblowing mechanisms should be encouraged. Law enforcement and politicians often lack understanding of the internet’s working, necessitating increased awareness. Diverse hiring can aid in understanding software misuse. A software registry and due diligence are crucial in identifying and preventing software misuse. These measures contribute to creating a safer online environment.

Maria Lipińska

During the discussion, the potential positive use cases of the dark web were explored, shedding light on how it might impact the future of online privacy and security. The speakers acknowledged the dark web’s negative reputation but emphasised that there are aspects of it that can be harnessed for beneficial purposes.

One of the main points raised was that the dark web enables anonymous communication and the exchange of information. This can be advantageous for individuals living in repressive regimes or facing persecution, allowing them to freely express themselves and access uncensored content. Moreover, whistleblowers and journalists can use the dark web to protect their sources and share sensitive information securely.

Furthermore, the dark web can facilitate the sale of legal goods and services. For example, it serves as a platform for anonymous online marketplaces where individuals can purchase legal products, such as books or art, without leaving a digital trail. The anonymity provided by the dark web can also empower activists and dissidents in countries where their activities might be monitored or suppressed.

In terms of online privacy and security, the dark web can act as a catalyst for innovation. The constant battle between criminals and law enforcement agencies pushes the development of advanced encryption techniques and cybersecurity measures. As a result, lessons learned from tackling the challenges presented by the dark web can be applied to enhance overall online privacy and security.

It is worth noting that the positives discussed should not overshadow the illegal and unethical activities that are prevalent on the dark web. Criminal networks, such as drug trafficking and illegal marketplaces, make up a significant portion of dark web activity. However, it is essential to consider the potential positive aspects and explore how they can be used responsibly.

In conclusion, the potential positive use cases of the dark web were evaluated, highlighting its impact on online privacy and security. While acknowledging its negative reputation, the discussion shed light on the anonymity and freedom of expression it offers individuals living in repressive regimes. Additionally, the dark web’s role in facilitating legal transactions and driving innovation in cybersecurity was recognized. Nonetheless, it is crucial to address the illegal activities on the dark web and ensure that any exploration of its positive side is done responsibly and ethically.

Izaan Khan

The analysis suggests that the dark web can offer benefits to certain individuals by providing anonymisation services. This can be particularly useful for individuals who require a high level of privacy and restricted access to a tightly knit community. Anonymity on the dark web can be critical for use cases such as journalists researching or communicating under extreme conditions, as well as for organising protests. Overall, the sentiment towards the dark web is positive, emphasising its potential advantages.

Furthermore, the analysis acknowledges that law enforcement agencies have achieved successful outcomes in cases involving cybercrimes on the dark web, citing notable examples like Silk Road and AlphaBay. However, it argues that eradicating privacy-enhancing technology, such as the dark web, is not necessary to combat cybercrime effectively. Instead, alternative strategies such as open source intelligence, infiltration, and hacking techniques can be employed to counter cybercrime without compromising privacy rights. The sentiment towards this argument is neutral.

The report also highlights the importance of people’s ability to protect their online privacy using technologies like the dark web. It advocates for a principles-based approach that balances the need for anonymity against other legitimate uses of anonymising technologies. This sentiment is positive, reflecting the belief that individuals should have the right to safeguard their privacy online.

Regarding regulation, the analysis suggests that regulations should be defined within the context of cybercrime. Existing regulations, including basic criminal law, already exist. However, it is noted that enforcement often involves a constant arms race between authorities and cybercriminals. The sentiment towards regulation is neutral, emphasising the need for a careful and nuanced approach.

It is also highlighted that technological solutions alone are inadequate in combating cybercrime. The dynamic nature of cybercrime requires innovative solutions that go beyond technology. Additionally, adopting more pragmatic approaches to regulation, such as controlling information flows and data retention, is seen as potentially beneficial.

The importance of trust in institutions within the complex regulatory environment is emphasised. It is believed that trust is crucial for navigating the challenges posed by emerging technologies and evolving regulatory frameworks.

The analysis further emphasises the significance of international cooperation and capacity building in effectively combating cybercrime. It notes that a lack of understanding of technology can hinder policy outcomes and enforcement efforts. Existing international cooperation organisations, such as Europol and Interpol, are highlighted as essential in the fight against cybercrime.

Additionally, the analysis raises the concern that tension between governments and encryption services will intensify. Governments may seek to undermine encryption for backdoor access, potentially restricting the privacy and security provided by these services. This development is viewed negatively, suggesting potential conflicts between privacy protections and government surveillance.

Furthermore, the report anticipates changes in the landscape of internet usage due to technological advancements and government regulations. It suggests that the emergence of new anonymisation services and government attempts to undermine encryption could reshape the way people use the internet.

In conclusion, the analysis highlights the benefits of the dark web in providing anonymisation services to individuals who require heightened privacy. It emphasises that eradicating privacy-enhancing technology is not necessary to combat cybercrime effectively. Instead, a principles-based approach that balances anonymity and other legitimate uses of technology is advocated. The report also emphasises the need for pragmatic regulation, international cooperation, and trust in institutions to address the challenges posed by evolving technology and cybercrime.

Pedro de Perdigão Lana

The discussion revolves around various aspects of internet governance, the dark web, and intellectual property. One argument highlights the importance of intellectual property in the context of internet governance. It is stated that intellectual property was among the first and most important discussions among civil society, the private sector, and the government in relation to internet governance. However, another argument challenges the dark web’s notorious reputation for intellectual property infringement. It argues that the portrayal of the dark web as a hub for criminal activity, particularly intellectual property crimes, can be misleading. The argument suggests that the dark web and deep web are not exclusively used for illegal activities, but are also repositories for various types of files, including copyrighted content.

Furthermore, the discussion explores the negative consequences of fear-driven policies and rigid copyright systems that have emerged due to concerns about the dark web. It is argued that several society reforms have been implemented based on the idea that piracy, including intellectual property infringement, is a widespread problem. These fear-driven policies may have inadvertently created obstacles to the very objectives they aim to promote.

The need for purposeful and careful regulation of the dark web is emphasized. While acknowledging the potential dangers associated with the dark web, the argument highlights that regulating it should take into account its positive uses, such as communication in environments where freedom of expression is restricted. It is suggested that regulation should be purposeful, avoiding undue restrictions on legitimate uses and considering the underlying reasons for regulation.

Additionally, the discussion examines the ethics and inequalities associated with academic documentation. It is noted that some academic ecosystems are unjust towards poorer countries, and publicly funded scientific publications charge high fees for access. This situation raises questions about the ethics of sharing academic documentation and the role of copyright in academia.

Furthermore, there is criticism directed towards the science publishing industry for charging exorbitant access fees despite being sustained by public funding. The argument highlights that the industry charges thousands of dollars for access to scientific publications, which creates barriers to knowledge dissemination and exacerbates economic inequalities.

In conclusion, the discussion revolves around the complexities and nuances of internet governance, the dark web, and intellectual property. It emphasizes the need for careful consideration when regulating the dark web, taking into account its positive uses. The discussion also raises important questions about the ethics and inequalities associated with academic documentation, as well as the practices of the science publishing industry. By critically examining these issues, it is hoped that a more balanced and effective approach to governance and regulation can be achieved.

Pavel Zoneff

The Tor software is a powerful tool used by millions of individuals worldwide to securely access the internet while protecting their right to privacy and information. It aids users in circumventing censorship and browsing the internet freely without facing restrictions imposed by governments or other entities.

It is important to note that only a small fraction of the traffic on the Tor network is directed to onion services, which are confined exclusively to the Tor network. This suggests that while censorship circumvention is a significant use case for Tor, it is not its sole purpose.

However, there is notable criticism levelled against privacy-preserving technologies such as Tor, Signal, and encryption platforms. Some individuals or entities misinterpret encryption as being associated with nefarious intentions, leading to unjust criticisms of these technologies. This misconception can result in policymakers lacking a comprehensive understanding of how privacy-preserving technology works.

As a consequence, governing laws are sometimes enacted that roll back international standards related to human rights, freedom of expression, and access to information. This situation is concerning, as it indicates a lack of education and awareness among policymakers about the importance of privacy and its relationship to fundamental human rights.

To counter this negative perception, it is crucial for proponents of privacy-preserving technology to engage in robust advocacy efforts. There is a need to raise awareness and educate policymakers about the benefits and importance of these technologies, as well as to dispel any misconceptions or unfounded fears surrounding their usage. By doing so, it may be possible to protect and preserve fundamental human rights in the digital age.

Overall, the Tor software plays a pivotal role in safeguarding internet users’ privacy and right to information. However, the criticism and lack of understanding around privacy-preserving technologies highlight the need for continued efforts to advocate for their importance and counter any unfounded narratives surrounding their usage.

Alina Ustinova

In this series of articles, Alina Ustinova delves into the controversial topic of the ‘dark web’ and aims to shed light on its implications, fears, and potential benefits. Ustinova, as the president of the Centre for Global IT Cooperation and the organiser of the Russian IJF and Youth Russian IJF, is well-positioned to explore this subject and provide valuable insights.

In her exploration, Ustinova acknowledges the widespread misunderstanding around the term ‘dark web’ and its incorrect association with negative activities. She seeks to clarify the misconceptions that people have by differentiating the dark web from the deep web, emphasizing their distinct characteristics. By doing so, she hopes to dispel the misconceptions and provide a clearer understanding of the dark web.

Ustinova also emphasises that the dark web potentially holds benefits beyond its negative connotations. She aims to uncover these potential benefits and challenges the prevailing notion that the dark web is purely a hub of illicit activities. By exploring the possibilities, Ustinova opens the door to a more nuanced understanding of the dark web and its potential uses.

On a different note, research indicates that young people, mainly millennials, exhibit bad habits in cybersecurity. It is observed that many youths are drawn to the dark web out of fascination for forbidden things and as a form of protest against the system. This insight highlights the complex motivations behind young people’s engagement with the dark web, indicating a deeper societal issue that needs to be addressed.

Additionally, the rise of Generation Alpha, growing up in the digital age, has led to their inherent reliance on the internet. Ustinova highlights that Generation Alpha, exposed to internet devices at a young age, considers the internet as a beneficial tool that is essential for various aspects of life. This has significant implications for education and the development of digital literacy skills.

In conclusion, Ustinova’s exploration of the dark web sheds light on its implications, fears, and potential benefits. By clarifying misconceptions and differentiating the dark web from the deep web, she offers a more comprehensive understanding of this often-misunderstood realm of the internet. The insights gained from Ustinova’s analysis also highlight the complex motivations behind young people’s engagement with the dark web and underline the importance of digital literacy skills in the modern age.

Abraham Fiifi Selby

The dark web, a part of the internet accessed through special software, presents a range of risks and benefits for users. It contains websites that are not indexed by traditional search engines, making it a haven for illegal activities such as the sale of drugs, stolen data, and hacking tools. However, it is important to note that not all aspects of the dark web are associated with criminal activity.

One argument suggests that using the dark web can be dangerous for ordinary users, unless used properly. This is due to the specific risks involved, including exposure to malware, scams, and illegal activities. Dark web tools are not encrypted and can be monitored by third parties, potentially compromising user privacy and security. Nevertheless, another viewpoint asserts that the dark web can also be used for legal and meaningful purposes if used correctly. In fact, the dark web is not exclusively for criminal activity and, when utilized wisely, it can actually provide protection for users. It is essential for ordinary users to learn how to navigate the dark web safely in order to avoid these risks and experience the potential benefits it offers.

Regulating the dark web is seen as a complex task for law enforcement agencies. While there is a need to investigate and prosecute organizations that engage in criminal activities on the dark web, developing effective regulations is challenging. The dark web operates on an anonymous network that is difficult to trace, requiring specialized strategies and tools to combat illegal activities. However, governments and law enforcement agencies are taking steps towards regulating the dark web. For instance, the FBI shut down the Silk Road, one of the largest dark web marketplaces, in 2013. In 2020, the UK government announced plans to introduce new legislation aimed at giving enforcement more powers to investigate and prosecute dark web crimes.

Education and awareness are highlighted as key elements in safely utilizing the dark web. As users are often unfamiliar with how to navigate the dark web safely, there is a need to provide education and raise awareness about the risks and best practices. Understanding the nature of the dark web is crucial in order to detect and mitigate potential threats. Creating awareness about the dark web can help users make informed decisions and protect themselves from the dangers associated with it.

Despite its association with criminal activities, the dark web can also be utilized for good purposes. People can leverage the anonymity and privacy provided by the dark web to conduct research and share information about sensitive topics without fear of censorship or surveillance. This highlights the potential for the dark web as a platform for positive contributions to society.

In conclusion, the dark web presents a complex landscape with both risks and benefits. It is important for users to understand the dangers involved and learn how to navigate it safely. Regulating the dark web is a challenging task, but necessary to combat criminal activities. Education and awareness play an important role in safely utilizing the dark web, while also recognizing its potential for positive usage. By promoting responsible usage and implementing effective regulations, society can better harness the potential benefits of the dark web while minimizing its risks.


The analysis highlights several important points raised by the speakers. One speaker discussed the challenge of identifying cyber crime and used the analogy of a thief breaking into a house to illustrate the complexity involved. The speaker’s sentiment towards this challenge was negative, indicating the difficulty of understanding cyber crime.

Another speaker emphasized the need for consistency in global internet usage and regulation. They stressed the importance of establishing a common ground for internet governance and highlighted the different approaches taken by countries like China and Russia. The speaker’s sentiment towards this topic was positive, suggesting the necessity of a consistent approach.

A concern was expressed for marginalized communities in the context of internet governance. The speaker acknowledged that these communities often lag behind in internet access and usage, potentially exacerbating existing inequalities. The sentiment expressed towards this issue was one of concern, demonstrating an understanding of the potential marginalization.

Furthermore, research findings revealed that millennials tend to have poorer cyber security habits compared to older generations. This observation underscores the need for increased awareness and education on cyber security, particularly targeting younger individuals.

Lastly, there was a discussion on the future landscape of dark web activities, focusing on the perspective of youth. Although specific supporting facts were not provided, the analysis indicates an interest in understanding the potential evolution of dark web activities among young people.

In summary, the analysis provides valuable insights into cyber security, internet regulation, and their impact on marginalized communities. It underscores the challenges in identifying cyber crime, the importance of consistent global internet governance, and the need for improved cyber security habits among younger generations. Additionally, it recognizes concerns for marginalized communities and the urgent need for inclusive and equitable internet governance. The analysis also raises questions about the future landscape of dark web activities, particularly from a youth perspective.

Miloš Jovanović

The internet is a vast space that contains a wealth of resources, some of which are not easily accessible through conventional search engines. These resources are found in the deep web, which is the part of the internet that is unindexed by search engines like Google. The deep web contains content that is not readily available to the general public, making it a mysterious and intriguing realm.

However, there is often confusion between the deep web and the dark web. The dark web is a subset of the deep web, specifically associated with negative and illegal activities. It is a place where individuals can engage in illicit behavior, such as buying weapons or drugs. It is crucial to differentiate between the two and not solely associate them with negativity.

The deep web and the dark web share the common characteristic of housing unindexed resources on the internet. The dark web, however, is just a portion of the overall deep web. It is essential to clarify this distinction to avoid misunderstanding.

While the dark web and the deep web are often viewed as havens of illegal activities, it is crucial to note that illegal behaviors and cybercrime are not exclusive to these parts of the internet. Negative behaviors and cybercrime can occur on publicly available resources like social networks as well. Therefore, it is essential to approach discussions of online security and criminality with a broader perspective that considers the entire internet landscape.

Protecting one’s metadata is also a significant concern for individuals who value privacy and security. Techniques like using the Tor Browser or the onion protocol can help hide metadata, ensuring greater anonymity online.

The responsibility for controlling internet information channels lies with national governments. Geopolitical circumstances have resulted in a fragmentation process on the internet, with different countries seeking control over internet governance. Protecting infrastructure and citizens from cybercrime necessitates traffic control and monitoring.

Investing in technological sovereignty is crucial for nations to have control over their internet space. This involves developing strong agencies and institutions to protect national interests and enacting strict laws regarding data storage and usage. By doing so, countries can ensure they have the means to safeguard their digital infrastructure and maintain control in the ever-evolving technological landscape.

Regulating the dark web or the deep web exclusively is not feasible since they are integral parts of the entire network. Instead, efforts should be focused on regulating the internet as a whole to combat illegal activities effectively.

While technology such as TOR and VPNs can provide some level of data protection, they may not guarantee absolute privacy. It is essential for users to understand the limitations of these technologies and exercise caution when sharing sensitive information online.

Accessing services that are not available in one’s country may violate local laws. It is important for individuals to be aware of and respect the legal frameworks in their respective jurisdictions to avoid engaging in illegal activities.

The fight against cybercrime requires a multi-stakeholder approach, involving collaboration between security and intelligence agencies, governments, and other relevant parties. Current alliances and systems like Europol have made significant contributions but may not be sufficient to effectively combat cybercrime. Enhancing cooperation and communication among different parties is crucial to solving and understanding the complexities of cybercrime cases.

Overall, the deep web and the dark web are intriguing aspects of the internet that warrant further investigation and understanding. While they are often associated with negative and illegal activities, it is important to approach discussions with a balanced perspective that considers the wider internet landscape. By promoting awareness, improving regulation, and fostering international collaboration, we can work towards a safer and more secure online environment.


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