Sustainable Capacity Building: Internet Governance in Africa

9 Mar 2021


What are capacity building initiatives offered by several stakeholder groups in Africa at the continental, regional, and national levels? What are the strengths and weaknesses in capacity building initiatives and how can we  match them against the scenario of opportunities and threats in the Internet governance policy space?

The online discussion on Tuesday, 9 March 2021, 13:00 – 14:00 UTC (14:00 – 15:00 CET), will include the presentation of a report – suggesting the action plan ahead – prepared in the framework of the PRIDA project by DiploFoundation.

Enhancing sustainable capacity building on Internet governance (IG) will have positive consequences within and beyond the African context. IG capacity building can facilitate the process of harnessing digital technologies and innovation to generate inclusive economic growth, stimulate job creation, and promote socio-economic development. At the same time, capacity building could positively contribute to the engagement of African stakeholders in global digital policy discussions, effectively promoting African interests in the international arena.

Under the framework of the Policy and Regulation Initiative for Digital Africa (PRIDA), the African Union commissioned a study that would gather elements for the development of an Action Plan for the sustainability of capacity building initiatives in IG in Africa. The report suggests concrete steps that should be taken in the continental, regional and national levels, as well as the role of the African Union Commission and PRIDA in supporting the implementation of measures to foster sustainability in IG capacity building. 

The launch of the report ‘Sustainable Capacity Building: Internet Governance in Africa’ will be an opportunity to present the key findings and recommendations of the study. An interactive discussion will follow among IG capacity building experts and practitioners, with the possibility of interaction with attendees.

About PRIDA 

The Policy and Regulation Initiative for Digital Africa (PRIDA) is the fruit of a partnership between the African Union Commission and the European Commission. The overall objective of PRIDA is to foster universally accessible, affordable, and effective wireless broadband across the continent to unlock possible future benefits of Internet-based services. Its specific objectives are: a) to facilitate efficient and harmonised spectrum utilisation, b) to harmonise measurable ICT/Telecommunications policy as well as legal and regulatory frameworks, and c) to strengthen the ability of African stakeholders to actively participate in global Internet governance (IG) processes. Activities pertaining to the latter are collectively referred to as the Internet governance track of PRIDA. The ‘Sustainable Capacity Building: Internet Governance in Africa’ report is part of PRIDA’s IG track. 

Further information, speakers’ list, and registration for the event can be found on the event webpage.
