What happens to IANA?

Bern, Switzerland

The Internet Society Switzerland Chapter (ISOC-CH) announces a National Event 2014 on a currently heavily debated matter “What happens to IANA?” or in other words “How much control over the Internet will the US government maintain in future?”



Speakers include:

  • Konstantinos Komaitis, Internet Society (ISOC), Policy Advisor
  • Massimiliano Stucchi from RIPE NCC
  • Brian Trammell, member of the IAB (Internet Architecture Board)


For a long time core functions of the Internet, such as the the overall administration of Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (IANA), have been under supervision of the US government. Recently, the US government announced its intent to transition part of its oversight role to the global multistakeholder community. This announcement attracted a great deal of attention and has sparked some very lively discussions. You can find more information on ISOC’s IANA transition website.

ISOC-CH invites you to an event where the IANA transition process will be explained by experts. You will also get an update on its status and other interesting topics regarding ICANN and IANA.

Details and registration:

The event will take place on Nov 13th, 2014 at 6 p.m. in the University of Bern. More information, programme and registration (spaces are limited / first-come – first served).


Deadline for registration: 10.11.2014 (noon)

The event is targeted to members of the ISOC Switzerland Chapter. Guests are more than welcome to join the event based on availability of seats.

The Internet Society is open to anyone for membership. If you are not yet a member, you may want to sign-up here
 ISOC-CH is looking forward to your registrations!
