Truth in Numbers: The Role of Data in a World of Fact, Fiction and Everything in Between

10 Apr 2018

Bern, Switzerland

The conference ‘Truth in Numbers: The role of data in a world of fact, fiction and everything in between’ will be held on 4 April 2018, in Bern, Switzerland.  The event is organised under the auspices of the Annual Meetings of the Partnership in statistics for development in the 21st century (PARIS 21), in collaboration with the Swiss government.

During the discussions, participants will explore how official statistics and data play a critical role in making true and reliable information available t society and encouraging the use of facts and evidence by citizens. Topics featuring on the event programme include fake news, bubbles, and official statistics, managing the misuse of data and information in the digital era, the role of data in implementing the sustainable development goals, and data for development and the role of official statistics within the new information landscape.

For more information, visit the event webpage.
