High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2018

9 Jul 2018 - 19 Jul 2018

New York, USA

Session reports

The High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) meets annually to discuss the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its sustainable development goals (SDGs). The HLPF 2018 took place from 9–18 July at the UN Headquarters in New York, focusing on the theme ‘Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies’. For more information, visit the event webpage.

The HLPF increasingly addresses issues related to data and digital technology. In particular, the forum provides a venue to explore new sources of data and data capacity needs for monitoring progress towards the SDGs. In addition, digital technology provides new opportunities for the achievement of the goals, although its potential adverse effects on society could generate challenges for sustainable development. DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform were present at the HLPF to report from a selection of sessions and side events related to data and digital technology.

Session reports

Official programme

9 July
Reviewing progress in achieving the SDGs
9 July
Better data for sustainable development
10 July
Advancing science, technology and innovation for the SDGs

Side events

9 July
Monitoring peace, evaluating institutions, building capacity: A data-driven conversation on SDG 16 and its upcoming 2018 review
9 July
Scaling solutions for Goal 12 for smartphones and ICT
9 July
Leveraging frontier technologies for sustainable development
10 July
ICT enabling the transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies
11 July
Blockchain for transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies
11 July
More and better financing for development data
11 July
StaTact, data and monitoring for resilient societies
12 July
Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities: Striving for Sustainable Development Goals
13 July
It’s in the numbers – the power of partnerships to measure SDG progress
16 July
Public innovation and smart regulation for the 2030 Agenda
17 July
Knowledge frameworks to accelerate the 2030 Agenda
17 July
From up there to down here – big space data and the SDGs
17 July
G77 and regional commissions high level roundtable on technology and innovation for sustainable development: Regional experiences to promote youth employment and address inequality
18 July
Ireland’s innovative approach to monitoring the SDGs through geospatial visualisation
18 July
Combining digital governance and stakeholder knowledge to promote innovation and transformative action in support of the 2030 Agenda

