Internet of Opportunity: Will the Internet Benefit All Europeans?

7 Nov 2017

Brussels, Belgium

The Internet Society, in partnership with the Centre for European Policy Study and the European Committe of the Regions will organise an event titled ‘Internet of opportunity: Will the Internet benefit all Europeans?’, on 7 November 2017, in Brussels, Belgium.

The event is part of a global series of Internet development conferences organise by the Internet Society with the aim of furthering the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs). It will bring together participants from governments, local authorities, the private sector, and civil society, to discuss the development of the Internet and its relations to economic growth, digital economy, and social inclusion, with a focus on European regions and local communities. Discussions will be aimed at highlighting success stories from across Europe and encouraging European regions and communities to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Internet.

Four panels included in the event programme will look at:

  • Employment in the Internet economy;
  • Leveraging the new Internet platform for innovation;
  • Connecting Europe’s far-flung regions; and
  • Education and trust in the digital economy.

For more information, visit the event webpage


