6th United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights
Session reports
Note: All listed times are in the UTC time zone.
The sixth edition of the United Nations Forum in Business and Human Rights will be held on 27–29 November 2017, in Geneva, Switzerland.
The Forum, established in 2011 by the UN Human Rights Council, is the global platform for yearly stock-taking and lesson-sharing on efforts to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. It brings together UN member states, UN agencies, intergovernmental and regional organisations, businesses, labour unions, national human rights institutions, non-governmental organisations, and other interested stakeholders, to discuss major human rights issues in the global economy.
Under the overarching theme ‘Realising Access to Effective Remedy’, the 2017 Forum will feature discussions on policy trends that consider the role of the business and human rights movement in today’s political and social contexts around the world. The programme will include over 60 sessions on current business-related human rights issues; some of the sessions will be lead by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), while others will be organised by external partners.
In order to inform preparations for the event, the Forum Secretariat is doing a mapping of ongoing research and projects linked to this topic. Stakeholders can submit brief information about ongoing or planned research and projects for 2017-18 related to the issue of access to remedy in the context of business and human rights.
For more information, visit the event webpage.