UNESCO: Internet Universality Indicators

22 Jun 2017 - 1 Nov 2017


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has launched a public consultation aimed to collect input on the organisation’s initiative to define Internet Universality indicators. The indicators are aimed to the used in assessing levels of achievement, at national and international level, of the four principles included in the Internet Universality concept:

  • R – that the Internet is based on human rights
  • O – that it is open
  • A – that is should be accesible to all
  • M – that it is nurtured by multistakeholder participation. 

The public is invited to provide views on what should be included in the indicator framework. Based on this input, as well as on research conducted by its experts, UNESCI will publich a draft set of options for specific indicators, which will again be published for public comment.

To contribute to this consultation, visit the dedicated webpage

