ICANN CCWG-Accountability: Recommendations to Improve SO/AC accountability

14 Apr 2017 - 26 May 2017


The Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) is seeking community input on a set of draft recommendations to improve the accountability of ICANN’s supporting organisations (SO) and advisory committees (AC). The draft recommendations were developed by the CCWG-Accountability as part of its Work Stream 2 (WS2), and as required by its Work Stream 1 final report.

In preparing the report, the following three tracks of work were followed:  (1) reviewing and developing recommendations to improve SO/AC processes for accountability, transparency, and participation that are helpful to prevent capture; (2) evaluating the proposed ‘Mutual Accountability Roundtable’ to assess its viability and, if viable, undertake the necessary actions to implement it; and (3) assessing whether the Independent Review Process (IRP) should be applied to SO/AC activities.

The draft report reflects several months of research and deliberation, starting with exploration of whom ICANN‘s SO/ACs are accountable to. Track 1 recommendations include 25 best practice recommendations for the SO and AC to consider implementing in the areas of accountability, transparency, participation, outreach, and updates to policies and procedures. Track 2 recommendations include not implementing the Mutual Accountability Roundtable (where a minority of CCWG-Accountability WS2 members disagreed with this), while Track 3 concludes that the IRP should not be made applicable to activities of SO and AC.

To contribute to this consultation, visit the dedicated webpage
