Vehicle Connectivity Workshop: Delivering a Connected Transportation Network

Detroit, USA

The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) are organising a workshop on ‘Vehicle Connectivity Workshop: Delivering a Connected Transportation Network’, on 29 November 2016, in Detroit, the USA.

The workshop will bring together key players in vehicle connectivity to discuss their plans to inprove road safety, decrease emissions, and exploit new data-driven revenue opportunities. 

Thought leaders of the ICT and automotive sectors will share insight into the transformation of the transport ecosystem and its contribution to the development of smart sustainable cities. Discussions will focus on vehicle connectivity, impending regulatory decisions, emerging technologies, consumer trends and standardisation strategies.

The workshop will showcase new facilities providing testbeds for innovations in the field of connected, automated driving. Other key points on the workshop’s agenda include:

  • Policy, technology and business perspectives on automated driving
  • The spectrum requirements for vehicle communications
  • The road to 5G and associated prospects for connected, automated driving
  • Keeping drivers connected to their digital lives vehicles without exacerbating driver distraction
  • Cybersecurity of automotive software, data security and privacy management
  • The opportunities presented by Big Data in the mobility arena

For more information, visit the event webpage.
