Thematic Deep-Dive: Digital trust and security

25 May 2023, 20:00h - 23:00h

Guiding questions:

  1. Digital spaces and online platforms can be exploited by actors for financial,
    criminal, social, political, or malicious goals – to spread falsehood, violent and
    extreme content, perpetrate scams and other crimes, and manipulate online
    behaviors. Which collaborative measures undertaken by Governments, the
    private sector and civil society have proved effective in tackling such misuse
    so far? How can global digital cooperation strengthen their implementation?
  1. Different jurisdictions apply different norms to online behaviors. Different
    online platforms apply different policies to similar online behaviors. How can
    Member States, the private sector and relevant stakeholders engage to define
    common frameworks to address the challenges to online safety?
  2. Regarding mis/disinformation and online harm, what policies, frameworks
    and measures can be adopted by governments and companies to protect the
    integrity of public information and preserve civic spaces for public debate?
  3. What digital cooperation measures, for example trust labels, audits, and
    certification schemes, can stakeholders consider promoting trust and safety for
    consumer products and services, including AI models? How can we enhance
    digital literacy skills and training so that people are empowered to protect