Mobile 360 – Latin America

13 May 2015

Mobile 360 – Latin America will be held 13-14, May 2015 at the Sheraton Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The GSMA’s regional arm in Latin America has a long tradition of bringing together key stakeholders through its Plenary meetings. Together with Mobile 360 – Latin America, the regional ecosystem now has a more extensive opportunity to convene with other industry decision-makers and discuss topics that are relevant to this dynamic and diverse region.

The Latin America and the Caribbean mobile market is now the fourth-largest globally, with almost 326 million unique subscribers and with more than 90 mobile operators. This is expected to grow to drive this region to the second-highest installed base of smartphones in the world by 2020.

Exponential growth such as this isn’t without its challenges. From mobile operators and regulatory agencies to the financial and investment communities, each must find a way to optimise the growth while sustaining profitability. While adjacent industries such as automotive, health and utilities must leverage the new opportunities in this growth market.

Through a series of high-level presentations and panel discussions, Day One will address the most pertinent opportunities and challenges for mobile operators. Topics include: bridging the digital divide; delivering returns on network investment; developing sustainable 4G business models; reaching the underserved with mobile financial services; and transforming digital identity. Simultaneous Spanish/Portuguese/English translation will be available during the event.

Day Two of the event will focus on specific relevant topics, presented by GSMA Latin America, that directly impact the mobile industry. The workshops are open to all attendees of Mobile 360 – Latin America with a few exceptions. Simultaneous Spanish/Portuguese/English translation will be available during the event.

For more details, including agenda and information about the workshops, visit the event website.
