25 Sep 2015 - 26 Sep 2015

[Update] Learn more about the IANA transition process, including the process to enhance ICANN's accountability, on GIP Digital Watch's dedicated page, IANA Transition and ICANN Accountability. The page includes latest updates, upcoming and past events, and the process in detail.

An ICANN CCWG ACCT Face 2 Face meeting will be held in Los Angeles 25-26 September.   

Participants are welcome to attend the F2F meeting at their own expense. Please to confirm your in-person presence by sending an RSVP  by Tuesday, 15 September­ COB. Legal counsel and Advisors will be invited to join the CCWG in Los Angeles. Members unable to attend the meeting in-person may appoint an alternate. Alternates will be eligible for travel funding if they are a current participant of the CCWG-Accountability and are approved bytheir SO/AC to serve as an alternate. As always, remote participation will be available for this meeting. Source and more information. |full_html