[Briefing #10] Internet governance in November 2014


[Update] The webinar digest and recording are now available: Internet governance in November 2014: A bubbling cauldron

You receive hundreds of pieces of information on digital politics.
We receive them, too.
We decode, contextualise, and analyse them.
Then we summarise them for you.

Join us once a month for a round-up of the main IG-related events and developments. Every month, we look back at what happened and look ahead to what’s to come.

register buttonThe next Geneva Briefing will take place on Tuesday, 2 December, at 12:00 UTC/GMT (13:00 CET). The webinar takes place online, but you can also join in situ at 7 bis Avenue de la Paix, Geneva (WMO building, 2nd floor). To join, please fill in the registration form.

We will discuss, among other topics:

  • Geneva Internet Conference: Highlights and outputs.
  • US-China free trade in ICT: breakthrough on eliminating duties on ICT products and perspectives for new WTO dynamism.
  • Battles over net neutrality: Obama’s message and US perspectives, Swiss telecom agreeement, and messages from ETNO.
  • Cybersecurity developments: OSCE moves with Confidence Building Measures.
  • IGF: the new members of the MAG and preparations for IGF2015.

and more.

To keep up-to-date with GIP events, subscribe to our mailing list. More information: [email protected]

[Update] Last month’s Geneva Briefing focused on IG developments that took place throughout October. Read last month’s digest: “Internet Governance in October 2014: The dance of the Titans

